Chapter 23

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Before I knew it, it was morning. The sun was shining and the clouds were visible from where I was laying. I felt a raging headache approaching my brain as I kept looking at the sky. I went to sit up as I winced at my arm being in such a pain I couldn't describe it. I however sat up and I couldn't believe my eyes.

A bedroom, not mine, torn apart.

Contents I assumed that were suppose to be on night stands, dressers, or pictures on the walls were knocked down and I looked numbly around. I was in a bed. Oh God, I had went home with someone. I kept looking when I realized it was a complete stranger. I only remembered being in Kendall's arms last night before he basically said he didn't have feelings for me, making out with James, and now here I was in a strangers bed.

I slowly, ever so slowly, grabbed my clothing off the white carpet. I was completely in the nude as I headed out of the room where the sleeping stranger was laying. He wasn't even the slightest bit handsome. I jumped into my dress as I put on my undergarments and unlocked my phone. I needed to get out of here. I couldn't call Kendall, or James for that matter. I dialed Gabby.

"Gabby please." I pleaded listening to it ring as I snuck out the front door holding my heels I found at the door.

"Hello?" A mans voice asked. I looked to make sure I dialed Gabby.

"Who's this?" I asked.

"Sophia?" He asked. Holy crap. Logan! Logan had answered Gabby's phone.

"Logan! Please I need help." I pleaded and closed my eyes walking down to the end of the driveway not knowing where I was.

"What's up? What's wrong?" He asked. I shook my head at myself. Everything was wrong.

"I need someone to come pick me up." I told him about to burst into tears. I had just lost my virginity to a complete stranger I met when I was drunk.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"I-I don't know." I told him. He sighed.

"Okay. Keep calm. Look around, do you see any street signs? Any what so ever?" He asked me as I heard zipping from his end. His pants. Then a clinking. His keys.

"Meyer and Fort Collin Street." I told him seeing them just down the road.

"Oh okay, that's just a few minutes away, I'll be right there okay? Go down by the street signs. I'm leaving just now." He informed me. I took a deep breath.

"Thank you Logan." I sighed.

"No problem. I'll be right there." He said as I hung up. I did as he told me and stood at the end of the street feeling like a Prosititue. I was in a party dress, messy hair, most likely running makeup from the tears I was now crying, and heels in my hands rather than on my feet.

I sat on the curb my face in my hands and my arm throbbing from me moving my fingers so much today. I didn't know what I had just did. I didn't want to know either I had a feeling. I cried in my hands as a car came up and to a complete stop. I looked up and sure enough Logan was here in his car with the clothes from last night barely on. He was just as bad as me.

"Come on. Let's go talk to Gabby." Logan said as I nodded. I got in and hugged my knees to my chest. Logan hadn't had asked what happened but I knew I needed to tell someone quick before I went insane.

"I lost my virginity." I blurted out at a stop light. Logan shifted uncomfortably.

"To who?" He asked. That made it worse, I didn't have an answer to that question.

"I don't know." I whispered as my voice cracked. He took the hand to my broken arm and held it.

"I'm sorry." He said quickly. We pulled up to a nice house and he parked it. We got out and Gabby opened the door in some of what looked like Logan's clothes. As soon as I saw her pity face I burst into even more tears. They took me inside and Gabby and I sat on the couch while Logan went to shower and give us some space.

"What's wrong? What happened?" She asked me listening fully to what I was about to say.

"I got drunk, number five. It was just Kendall and I. He called me beautiful and then we were about to kiss when he was all 'we can't'. So I freaked out and went and got drunk even more with James. I made out with him, a lot, and I danced with him, very close. Then I woke up and it wasn't James's bed or Kendall's. It was a complete strangers bed." I said as the last part made me lose it again. Gabby held me close as I cried into her shoulder.

"Shhhhhh, it's okay. Sweetie, Kendall will realize what he's missing eventually. As for James, well look at his face, he probably makes out with lots of girls, you're just another victim. As you probably were with that guy." Gabby said not really cheering me up, just making me feel worse.

"Gabby you don't understand." I said sitting up. "I was a virgin. I am now, not a virgin. How am I suppose to be all nonchalant and be like 'oh, Kendall, since you didn't kiss me I made out with your close friend while afterwards I went and slept with an ugly guy, so now you can cross off number six' even though I don't remember ever losing my God forsaken virginity?" I asked her annoyed. She watched me for a second and then smiled weakly.

"Don't tell him?" She asked. I scoffed.

"I have to Gabby." I told her. She shook her head.

"You don't have to tell him anything girl. You're a young independent woman, you can do whatever you want, with whoever you want, whenever you want. You don't need to answer to some man." She said. I glared at her as her pep talk wasn't working.

"You forgot the part where I have feelings for him."

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