Chapter 13

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Oh my gosh, I can't believe the outfit Jane forced me to wear tonight. I have to admit, I do look pretty cute. Hopefully carter will notice? Jane thinks he likes me...but I doubt it...

James mom was picking all of us up and driving us to the theme park...I'm not sure what it was called...maybe like something like...Stonewood park? Yeah..that was it! Stonewood..

I saw James' moms car and yelled at Jane. " hey hurry up lover girl! They're all here!"

She ran down the stairs and we both sprinted out to meet them.

Jane quickly climbed into the car with James while I was left standing outside the car with carter all awkwardly.

"Hey." He said casually


My cheeks were turning beet red...oh no..not this! This was too humiliating.

"Should we go in?" He said motioning towards the car door,

"Sure," I replied trying to make up for my little blushing screw up.

We quickly climbed in to see that James and Jane were already in the back to seats farthest away from James mom.

"Well, " carter said, "look like we're stuck in the front"

"I guess so," I shyly replied.

He sat next to me in the front while James mom tried to ask us lame questions to break our tension, and to mention my nervousness...

"sooo lyndsey.." carter said finally breaking the silence in the car,

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you excited to go?"

"Umm I guess," I said blushing again. Man why can't I just talk to the guy? Because you like him lyndsey, you really like him.

Truth is that I have never been to an amusement park before so I wasn't knowing what to expect..

Was he going to ask me out? Nah, carter is way to shy of a guy to do that. We were just going as friends as far as he knew.

I turned back to look at Jane and James in a serious looking conversation, is have to ask her about that later. James was still in his wheel chair but it was collapsible therefore we could just put it in the back of the car and Jane would wheel him around at the park if she needed to.

"Are you excited to be going?"

I asked, again, breaking the awkward silence we were both sharing.

"Oh yeah! I've been here like a million times. Ill have to show to some of my favorite rides."

"That sounds great." I replied casually.

"As long as I'm with you, everything is great!"

I looked up at him and his cheeks were starting to crimson.



"Well, when I'm with you, I feel like everything is great also."

He smiled at me and I returned the favor. Maybe just maybe he could like me.

We finally got to the park and to be honest it looked like it would be a lot of fun. Carter and I stepped out of the car while Jane helped James get into his wheelchair...I've gotta say, it did make things a little difficult, but it wasn't at all that bad. Once we were all settled ,carter and I split from James and Jane, we would let them have there romantic date while we were off having real fun. Carter started to walk towards a huge roller coaster, he turned back to see that I wasn't following him.

"Well, you coming or what!!?"

He was smiling and holding out his arms like he could wait all day for my reply.

"Carter, I've never actually been on a roller coaster. They scare me." I said blushingly while suddenly becoming very interested in my shoes.

He stared at me in complete shock.

"Actually, I've never been to any amusement park at all."

"Wow lyn, do you live inside a cardboard box, or what? And don't worry, ill be here to protect you against the scary roller coasters."

Did he just call me "lyn"? I think so...short for my actual name, Lyndsey. Awe, he already has a nick name for me and he said that he would protect me, how cute. Okay i need to stop it. I'm starting to sound a lot like Jane, and that isn't a good thing.

"No," I replied quickly, " I just never found them amusing until I met you."

He kept staring at me in dis-belief with a smile creeping up his face.

"Well then, it's up to me to give you the whole amusement park experience,huh?"

"It looks like it." He smiled and looped his arm though mine while practically dragging me away from the terrifying roller coaster to the food stands.

"Okay, lets first starts with park food, it's usually pretty good, if yah know where to find it.Thank goodness you know someone as amazing as me."

"Cockey much?" I asked, smiling.

"Wow, you're starting to sound like James."

He smirked and walked up to a food stand, quickly bringing back a piece of hamburger pizza and some black-cherry kool-aid. My favorite! How did he know this stuff? I bet Jane was behind it all. Not that I was complaining or anything, personally I liked it.

I loved it when carter made me feel special even though we were "just friends". Oh how I hated that "friend" word with him...does he think of me as just a "friend"?

I guess this gives me an amazing opportunity to get to know him better though.

"Hey, lets go get in line for the amazing wheel of wonders! " he said pointing to the Faris wheel.

"Of course, that is if you want to. It's not a roller coaster." He quickly added.

"Sure!" I cheered happily.

We looped arms and skipped all the way there, which was hard to do in these suffocating pants. I was going to have a talk about my outfit with Jane later. I looked cute, but I couldn't move.

"I still can't believe you haven't ever been here before." He said in a shocking tone with his mouth hanging open a bit.

"Well, yeah, believe it..."

He laughed and shuck the hair out of his face; that made me smile. He was just too cute. Maybe not to Jane, but to me.

We were standing in line and he looked pretty nervous, I'm not sure why, but he just did. He started to fidget with his hands and he looked slightly sweaty. He turned and faced me and started to say.."Lyndsey, will you-" only to be interrupted my Jane running and almost tackling me. She was crying a river I hugged her and pat her back while she cried into my shoulder. I didn't have the heart to tell her that her makeup was getting ruined...she would flip out.

"I'll be right back, carter, sorry!"

"Hey it's cool, you gotta do what you gotta do, ill find James."

"What's wrong?" I asked once she calmed down and we were sitting on some random bench.

"Ja-Ames..he he ki-kissed Jenny....."


Okay sooo yeah! It's Sunday night and yeah it's still the weekend! So the way..did anyone watch the Super Bowl? The ravens won...sadly...but who were you rooting for? Thanks for reading!(: KEEP VOTING!(: thanks so much for all of the votes, i mean seriously. You guys are amazing. If you actually read the authors Notes at the bottom, I love you! (: and hey, you're all lucky cus you get a sneak peak....okay...I was just kidding but still! Thanks(: next chapter is going to be pretty emotional...for Jane, at least. What do you think carter was gonna ask lyndsey? The obvious of course(: okay sooo yeah! Night (: XOXO


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