Flustered (Logan X Remus)

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Hey, it's me again. ya boi—

Remus wasn't one to be embarrassed easily or made uncomfortable, it was more of his task to make his friends and brother uncomfortable more than anything, which 9 times out of 10 he succeeded in.

To make Virgil flustered all he had to do was wink at him, just the mentioning of Remus licking Roman had him on high alert, Janus got super uncomfortable whenever anybody would touch him for too long, and Patton couldn't help but squirm when Remus started making dirty jokes.

But Logan fucking Sanders was immune to all of Remus's "charms", Often just ignoring him or simply distracted Remus with any gorish fact he knew or learned. It was all cool then going back and forth like this until one day Logan was zoned into his laptop typing away some assignment and Remus sat on the edge of the desk trying to do what he does best on his boyfriend.

"C'mon bug there has to be something that makes you squirm"

"We've been through this before-"

"No, I made jokes and crude comments and then you amaze me with that big wrinkly brain"

Remus added fluttering his eyes at Logan behind the computer.

"Not even butt stuff?"

Remus snorted at his own question as he had his finger going through the circle he made with his hand in-front of Logan's computer.

"Mhm and what about you? You have this fascination to make everyone in your circle squirm but yet nobody's thought to see what makes you tick?"

Logan closed the laptop as Remus blew raspberries.

"You really think I, Remus Charming, gets flustered?"

Logan just shrugged at Remus, beginning to just stare him in the eyes.

"Wha- The fuck you doing?"

Logan just keeps staring- well now turning more into a glare not breaking eye contact. Remus begins to smile nervously, beyond confused on what his boyfriend is doing. But even the sweet nervous upside down smile doesn't stop Logan's glare making Remus look away unsure of what the butterflies in his stomach was about.

When Remus looks back at Logan to see if he was still keeping eye contact, just to see Logan raised an eye brow at him with the glare and Remus quickly looks away again unable to keep up with how attracted and nervous he feels because of Logan at the moment. He tries again to keep eye contact again but can feel Logan's eyes piercing into his soul. Remus's face feels hot and he knows he has the deepest shade of red tainting his cheeks right now.

It feels as if was an eternity that Logan was just glaring at Remus with this blood thirsty look and Remus could've sworn that his boyfriend did not blink for these two whole minutes that passed. But he wasn't going to take that, no matter how nervous he felt so he tried to keep eye contact with Logan one last time, and let him tell it he did for at least 30 seconds but realistically it was only 10 being saved by Logan checking his watch to which that 3 second break was quickly short lived when Logan resumed his glaring.

Remus cracked waving his hands in-front of Logan's face.


Logan smirked, giving Remus a quick kiss before opening his laptop and mocking what Remus said earlier.


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