Survivor (Logan X Roman)

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The chemistry in this a scene of Lucifer radiated pure logince vibes and I love it-
Key: Roman singing is in Bold, Logan's singing in Italics, and both of them singing is both (bold and italic)
Wattpad is being homophobic and not letting me put the video in 😤😤
Logince is actually starting to grow on me??

Logan didn't like unnecessary attention. It was a well known fact in his percent so the day he got a case about Roman Prince he absolutely wanted to quit his job. Logan was already a well known detective in his town so he could've only imagine the attention when he got a case about America's heartthrob. The young mans life kept coming into danger so the chief threw Roman into Logan's protection. So everywhere Logan was Roman was right in front. Paparazzi of course followed them around thinking that the two were dating, it was a valid theory seeing that for the last couple of weeks the two were together non stop and Roman would be dragging Logan around holding his hand. No one knew of the threats except the police department and of course whoever was threatening the pop star.


Logan groaned at the whining sing songy voice entering his head waking him up.

"What?" Logan responded laying on his stomach, voice drenched with a drowsy tone.

"I wanna performmmm, it's been like a month my fans might just think I'm dead" Roman exaggerates resting his smoothie on Logan's dresser and sitting on top of him beginning to pick at a loose thread on the cover.

"Are you listening?"

"I'm listening but not caring" The latter responded turning his head completely away from Roman.

"That's so rude! I could have you fired you know"

Logan merely raised an eyebrow before sitting up and looking dead at Roman.

"I dare you"

Roman couldn't even lie and say that he didn't find Logan super attractive right now. He already thought he was cute on the regular, but him looking so beautifully sleepy and angry was just amazing.


Roman simply quoted before running off and into the kitchen. Logan groaned then went face forward into the pillow and proceeded to scream.

"Forgot my smoothie" Roman said coming back into the room with a huge annoying smile.
Logan's eye just twitched before he jumped up screaming


At the precinct

"You look like shit"

Logan knee it was Remy before he even said anything the strong smell of coffee and hazelnut always gave him away.

"Roman drives me absolutely crazy" Logan said glaring up.

"Crazy in love" Remy mumbled before taking a long sip of his coffee earning a 'don't start' look from Logan.

"I'm just saying instead of being so cold to him he wouldn't annoy you the way he does"

"Your not making sense" 


"What did you just say?!" Logan said jumping out of his seat.

"What I'm saying is your basically the kids bodyguard soften down you big robot"

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