Wisdom teeth (Roman X Virgil)

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Roman's POV
Virgil got his wisdom teeth pulled today and it was quite hilarious. He was asking silly questions and he seemed happy I know its the laughing gas but still It was fun to seem him this way. Well it was till Patton and Logan threw him to me, Logan got fed up with the mind puzzling questions, and suprisingly so did Patton. Now me and him were just sitting in the living room with the tape recorder Virgil wamted to record everything he said which I know was going to cause him to cringe.

"Roman can we do something fun?" I laughed.

"Sure what do you consider fun emo nightmare?"

"Well maybe we can draw!" I summoned blank paper with crayons, pencils and glitter and gave them to Virgil.

"Aren't you gonna draw with me? I would be very sad if you don't draw with me" Virgil began to pout and I gave in.

"Ok I'll draw too"

"I love you Roman" Virgil said with his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Yeah I love you too Virgil" Virgil began to draw and finished within five minutes.

"You know Ro, I mean it I really do love you a lot"

"I love you a lot too Virgil"

"I'm like a kitten and your my owner amd ww just love each other a whole lot, but you cant be in Love with a kitten that would be bad"

"Yes don't do that Virgil"

"Can I do you?" The question took me back and I blushed.

"Not now Virgil"

"In five minutes?"




"What about an hour?"


"Well that wouldn't be fun can I try to change your mind?"



I pretty much froze now.


"Virgil shut up!"


My face was pretty much burning red. Logan came in the room covering Pattons ears.

"We said watch him not fu- Why was he moaning like that?"

"Not important"

Virgil then interrupted. "Look Logy Roman's a unicorn, like your onsie! He's changing colors"

Logan sighed amd pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'm leaving"

Logan did as he said leaving me and Virgil alone again.

"So Ro is changing color part of your unicorn power?"

"I'm not a unicorn and I don't change colors" "But you did"

"No I didn't"

"I guess I have to do it again"

"Do wha-"


I put my hand over Virgil's mouth but he moves his hand to my cheek wiping something off my cheek.

"You just turned red again"

"OK its time for you to sleep"

"B-but what if the m-monsters get me?" "Monsters"

"Yeah the ones in my head" I stared at Virgil and he looked serious.

"Fine I'll tuck you in and stuff"

"Yay!" I lifted Virgil and sat him on his bed I then proceeded to remove all of Virgils makeup. While doing this we kept staring at each other in the eye, for five minutes it seemed as if he was back to normal. With every stroke it showed more and more freckles that were heavily sprinkled on his cheeks and the light bags that were under his eyes he still looked beautiful. When all the makeup was removed I took the bloody tissues out of his mouth and replaced them with clean ones I then changed him into pajamas. The whole Virgil was quite and didn't act like he was high on laughing gas. When I laid him in his bed he pulled on my sleeve

"Please stay I don't want the monsters to come, I need a brave Prince to fight them"

Virgil's eyes were so glassy.

"Ok I'll stay"

I snapped my fingers and I was in my own pajamas I laid in the bed with Virgil and he wrapped his arms around me and began to sleep. I soon felt my own self sleeping too.

Virgil's POV
If I could name one thing I hate it would be dentist. I woke up and felt my arms wrapped around something, something warm, something moving!? I opened my eyes and seen the creative trait cuddling in my chest I felt something in the back of my mouth and spit them in my hand. They were bloody cotton balls, I panicked but remembered that my wisdom teeth were pulled out yesterday talking about yesterday I wanted to listen to the tape that hopefully Roman got. I got off my bed and walked to the dresser where my phone was but I when I looked through it there was no recording so I went through Roman's and pressed play. I sat on my bed and listened to the recording I laughed and cringed at the stupid questions I was asking then all of a sudden I started acting like a flirt. I laid back on my bed and listened to the stuff I was saying then I started moaning as if me and Roman were doing it I heard a soft chuclke come from Roman.

"Oh god I remember that" I could feel my face and ears melting away

"I-I Uh"

"It's OK Virgil you were high out of your mind"

"B-But I-I m-m-meant o-one t-t-t-thing" Roman placed his hand on Virgil's shoulder.

"Calm down"

"I- Uh I do Love y-you alot, m-more then I should"

"Virgil you could never overlove someone"

"Shit y-your not making t-this e-e-easy, I mean i-in a romatinc sense"


"Oh? What do yo- mfm!"

Roman pulled Virgil into the bed pecked his lips.

"God you were tempting me yesterday being so adorable" Virgil laughed quietly to himself.

"aww was the Prince needy?"

Roman rolled his eyes and pushed Virgil off the bed.

"This is my bed you moron!"

"I love you too Virgil!"

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