Hints (Remus X Logan X Virgil)

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This is my new ot3 🥺 I also love Say my Name from the BeetleJuice Musical so...

Virgil internally cursed himself out as he walked to school. It was raining and he didn't have an umbrella and his day went to shit way before that too with his dad deciding to yell at him for something stupid. So now he was soaking wet, cold, and angry. Virgil walked into school head down as he glared at any and everyone who dared to mess with him except for Remus fucking Charming who came and just threw his arms on Virgil's shoulder.

"Hey emo!"

Virgil just grumbled back. He couldn't get mad at him, unfortunately he just found him way too adorable to.

"Greetings and Salutations Virgil"

Another grumble to Logan Berry another one that Virgil found way too cute and fucking amazing to get mad at. Another unfortunate thing for Virgil is that the two we're dating and he had no chance with either of them.

"Well nightmare don't forget theater practice" Remus said boping Virgil's button nose.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world" Virgil replies sarcastically beginning to open his locker hoping his other hoodie was inside.

"I prevented a Murder today?" Remus began holding Virgil's books for him closely to his chest.

"Really? how did you do that Baby?"

"Self control" Remus said with a proud smile handing Virgil's books back to him as Virgil began to laugh to himself.

"That's more self control than I have" Virgil said jokingly with a sinister look.

"That's disconcerting" Logan said smiling rubbing Virgil's hair.

"Anyway I have to continue on to class, I can trust that y'all two would do the same" Logan continued giving them a look.

"Definitely, you could trust us Logy"

Logan glared at Remus as he still had the smile on his face.

"Mhm Virgil I trust you would" Logan said waving them off as he walked away.

Virgil smiled and turned around closing his locker.

"Wanna do something fun emo?!" Remus was right there smile bright and stars in his eyes.

"Remus class first"



Virgil didn't hate theater class but he did hate the moment when his drama teacher found out he could sing. Now he played Lydia in there spinoff of Beetlejuice while Remus of course played Beetlejuice because according to Mr. Sanders "Remus is Beetlejuice" which he wasn't wrong Virgil could see it clear as day.

"Awww are you ready for our duet?" Remus asked jumping around Virgil. Virgil was ready for the duet sure he just didn't know if his gay could handle Remus singing to him.


"You know I've never heard you sing before I was surprised when Mr. Sanders told me you were playing the infamous Lydia"

"He only found out cause I was cleaning after practice and he forgot his keys" Virgil huffed our folding his arms.

"Your so cute Virgil" Remus said hugging Virgil tightly.

"So you gonna give me a preview of those vocals?" Remus teased.


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