Hate? Pt 2 (Roman & Remus)

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y'all already know the ships 😎
Roceit & Dukexiety ✋🏽
TW: Weed? idk if that's triggering but Remus and Virgil are pot boyfriends 🤝

Virgil couldn't fall asleep as easily as Remus did, his insomnia physically always stopped him so he decided to stay up and watch Tim Burton movies despite watching them thousands of times. After 'Coraline', he moved on to 'Beetlejuice' and was now on 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'. Virgil wanted to actually speak to Remus though, he was use to him and his carbon copy arguing or physically fighting, that was normal for the two, they argued everywhere and anywhere but that didn't make up their whole relationship, it was mostly them being weirded out with each other or being complete morons together. What wasn't normal was Remus Charming having a mental breakdown on the street or even crying in front of him, he must've seen Remus cry one other time and that was when he had spend the night and had a horrible night terror, speaking of Virgil could see that Remus began shifting around in his sleep a lot before jolting up and looking around the room.

"Oh! Well hello there sexy" Remus tried to play off boping Virgil's nose. Virgil rolled his eyes before laying back opening his arms so Remus would join, which he did with no complaint.

Remus threw his arms around Virgil tightly and refused to make eye contact with him.

"Do you wanna talk about it now? You fell asleep rather quickly so that tells me you didn't sleep for the past couple of days..."

Remus didn't respond as he continued to stare at the nightstand taking in the vibrations off of Virgil's chest from his voice.

"We don't have to! I- I just worry for you weirdo, I lo- care for you, seeing you down instead of spewing out about sex, or murder is odd?"

Remus couldn't help the wide involuntary smile that came across his face as he heard Virgil's heart beat faster as he continued to ramble about him.

"You wanna kiss me so badly it almost makes you look soft"

"Shut the fuck up" Virgil said beginning to shove Remus.

"It's okay, you're not alone there"

Remus sat up to face Virgil who was staring at him with wide eyes and a crimson red face.

"Can I?"

Virgil nodded and Remus closed their gap with a soft peck, pulling back to face Virgil who closed their gap again with another peck wrapping his arms tighter around Remus who now was staring at him in amazement.

"W-What? Don't look at me like that creep"

Remus just smirked which cued a gulp from Virgil.

"Nervous? How cute"

Virgil rolled his eyes and with a great force pushed Remus off of him.

"Me? Nervous because of you? Never"

"Oh really storm cloud? Cause I could've sworn I heard your heart rate accelerate"

Virgil deadpanned as he glared at Remus who had a big cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"I hope its widely known that I can kick your ass"

Remus nodded with a "Mhm yeah" before wrapping his arms around Virgil again laying his head down on his chest. He began to think of his home situation again though, he couldn't help it. Normally Remus wasn't one to feel guilty about jack crap when it came to his father or not much with Roman either, but he wanted to apologize to his brother? Odd, but he regretted yelling what he did, it just felt justified in the moment.

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