The Sun (Roman X Virgil)

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This was inspired by Tamaki Amajiki from MHA/BNHA (My Hero Academia)

Virgil had a major crush on Roman. But he was pretty sure that Roman didn't reciprocate these feelings, there was no way he could. They were so different, Roman was outgoing, optimistic, a good light while Virgil viewed himself as the complete opposite.  Virgil realized he was staring at Roman and turned back to his sketch book sighing as he flipped the page yet drawing Roman again.

"Virgil are you okay?" Logan asked sitting next to Virgil well aware of his crush on Roman.

"I wanna kill him" Virgil mumbled putting his face in his knees.

"Or you could man up and ask him out" Logan said deadpanned

"But killing him is easier" Virgil's face heated and was definitely beet red.

"What could go wrong?"

"He could hear me"

"Seriously Virgil? Your so blind to Roman's obvious advances"

"I doubt it" Virgil said finally looking up.

"He is the sun and he likes the warmth and well... I'm the moon Lo" Virgil said defeated watching Patton and Roman watch the movie together on the floor closer to the TV.

"Well opposites do attract quite literally" Logan stood up and stretched before announcing he was tired.

"Oooo Logy I'm coming with you!"

"Of course Patton"

Patton jumped up skipping up the stairs with Logan tiredly following behind.

"I guess that leaves me and you" Roman said standing up and leaning on Virgil. Virgil freaked and threw his sketch book across the room.

"Your aim is horrible if that was for me storm cloud"


"Well what do you wanna do"

"I- Um- I dunno we could watch another movie if you want"

Roman nodded and stood up.

"Do you want something to eat?"

"Uh yogurt, kiwi"

"Of course, wanna try yogurting again"

Virgil's face flushed up as he thought about the last time Roman tried sharing yogurt with him.

"That was so embarrassing" Virgil said with a laugh.

"You jerked away so quickly the yogurt ended up getting all over your hoodie"

"I should kill you" Virgil said with a glare. Roman's eyes widened and he tried to book it but inevitably failed as Virgil easily tackled him to the ground pinning his arms down and sitting on his chest.

"So you like being on top hm?" Roman teased and Virgil face became beet red. He quickly curled up in a ball hiding his face in his knees.

"I hate you"

Roman gasped almost offended.

"Oh my- my little storm cloud hates me! This is tragic!"

"You'll be fine"

"Oh no my heart it's being broken into pieces!"

Virgil looked up at Roman who was still layed out on the floor.

"Okay maybe I don't hate you" Roman looked up with a ever so bright smile.

"Is that so?"

"Maybe I actually do like you a lot but who's to say?"

"Oh? Am I hearing that Virgil actually likes me! Well if it makes him feel better I like him too, quite an amazing person if you ask me"

"Wait shit-"

"I am quite glad that you don't hate me"

"Wait- Roman you didn't actually think that I actually hated you right?"

"Well for a moment I did" Roman admitted sheepishly.

"I can't hate you Roman even if I tried, I kinda always thought you didn't like me, we never got along, and were very opposite"

"Well negatives and positives do attract my little cloud"

"Logan told me the same shit"

"Mm? Do tell"

"We were just talking about something and one thing led to the other"

Roman looked away and began playing with the cuffs of his sleeves.

"Virgil, can I ask you a question?"


"Are you and Logan a thing?"

Virgil was bewildered and began laughing. Roman watched in awe as Virgil laughed it was honestly adorable it had snorts and giggles in it.

"Roman I highly recommend you staying out your shipping imagination for a month or so"

"Hey! It's a valid question you two are extremely close..."

Virgil studied Roman's body language and realized he was jealous and embarrassed.

"Okay I'm serious me and Logan, we just get along like you and Patton unless you two are dating...?"

"What?! Oh God no Patton has it for Logan"

"That's a relief if I hear Logan gush about Patton one more damn time I might actually try to murder him but then again he listens to me gush about-"

"Oh? So you do like someone?" Roman said clearly interested.

"O-Oh yeah..."

"Who is it?"

Virgil looked at Roman then dragged his hoodie over his face

"I can't say"

"Can I get a hint? Describe him pleaseeeee"

Virgil stared at Roman before sighing and beginning to play with his sleeves.

"Well he's bright, too bright and way out of my league... He's beautiful, positive, outgoing, dramatic, he's so warm and shines brighter than the sun..."

Virgil stopped himself and heard Roman sigh than seen him smile.

"He sounds wonderful Virgil"

"Do you have a crush on someone?..."

"It's you" Roman said cupping Virgil's face.

"Roman if this is a joke you just went to far..." Virgil barley whispered out looking away tears swelled up in his eyes.

"What- no, I really truly hold feelings for you Virgil, andddd I take it you return them?" Roman said glancing at Virgil's lips.


"So it's okay if I kiss you" Roman asked leaning in. Virgil nodded troubling to come up with words.

"I need a verbal response Virgil, for actual consent"

Virgil nodded again before getting his words unscrambled.

"Yes, I want you to kiss me"

Roman smiled and placed his lips on the latter softly then pulled away.

"Along with that kiss Mr. Storm, can I also take you on a date? And perhaps ask you to be my boyfriend?"

"Yes" Virgil said confidently and with a smile.

I really love Tamaki Amajiki-

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