8 | Graham de Vanily

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[C H A P T E R 8]

Graham de Vanily

"What's wrong with you lately?" Chat slumped his arm around Blood's shoulders.

"Nothing." He replied with his usual tone.

Chat squinted his eyes and back away, scanning him from head to toe. "You spend more time inside your room and you look weirdly..." he trailed off, "happy..."

Blood squinted back his eyes and looked at him. "Oh, yea?"

Chat hummed in response. They seemed to have squinted staring eye contest for a while before a bell interrupted them. They cleared their throat in sync and turned to the maids.

"Nothing much to talk about." Chat said and Blood agreed in a response.

"Today won't be any much job to do, the meeting was canceled." Blood announced which received some whispers.

Chat sent a secret gesture to Marinette, signaling her to come to his room. She nodded in understanding with a blush covering her face. The bell rang, signaling them to walk away, Blood turned around but Chat stopped him.

"Where exactly are you going?"

"My room."

"Is there a lot of work recently? I don't think so." His hands fixed his collar, but he didn't feel his necklace was there. His palm went on his chest to his pockets but it didn't.

"I do, not you." Blood walked away without waiting for any more word from Chat.


"What do you want?" Marinette asked closing the door behind her.

Chat was searching his room for his necklace, he needed to find it—it was so precious to him. "Did you see my necklace?" he asked, closing a drawer.

"No." she lied.

"Help me find it, it is so important to me, I can't lose it." He closed another drawer.

"Alright." She nodded in guilty and began to search around his room, even though she knew where she hid it.


"When will you..." Elsa hesitated, "when will you let me out from here?"

"Not now, later." He replied sternly, organizing his desk.

"Why do you want to keep me here?"

"Can't you shut up for a moment?!?" he yelled, slamming his hands hard on the table. Elsa startled and moved away from him and murmured a 'sorry'.

His mind was a mess right now, with the threats he just received. He worked so hard to be at the top, he won't lose it just because of some threats. His breathing was hard and she could hear it. She backed off and sat on his bed quietly.

Lucky for him, his room was soundproof and no one could hear him or her from the outside. He slammed all the notes to the wall and yelled in rage, she closed her eyes and ears, praying he won't turn into some kind of monster and hit her.

He cursed under his breath and sighed, trying to keep his mind on track, he closed his eyes, steadying his breathing, and calmed himself down. He slowly turned to her who curled herself in fear. He didn't mean to yell at her, it's just—she knew he was busy but she kept on pushing him, making him burst out.

He slumped down on his chair, concentrating on his thoughts, his hand spun a pen, trying to figure a way out, he is back. He needed to inform Chat about this, how would he react?

Graham de VanilyWhere stories live. Discover now