A new life is soon to be

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Third Person P.O.V
"Why do you want to be a human?" Diavolo asks "I just need this. Please stop questioning and kill me so I can finish this. Diavolo thinks to himself

Diavolo's P.O.V
Lucifer has served me for years.. It's the least I could do..I should confess to him before that though. Why does he want to be a human..? Maybe I will ask him if he arrives back in the Devildom. "Alright" I croak out the words

Third Person's P.O.V
Lucifer looks at Lord Diavolo and smiles. "But first I need to take care of a few thing." He says taking off his jacket and the golden lace around his waist. "Give the Jacket to Belphie, he can use it as a blanket. The golden lace can be given to Mammon.." he pauses "I love you Diavolo..So please just kill me." Diavolo needed something at this moment. He walks to Lucifer and kisses him. He then uses magic to kill Lucifer. Tears start to roll out of all of their eyes "You will be dearly missed." Barbatos says. Suddenly the double doors walk in.. Lucifer's brothers walk in the room alongside with MC.

Lucifer turns while bleeding "This is just like when we went to get Belphie..Everyone was there but o-" he says in a huffy voice "W-What the hell is happening here?!" Mammon yells "H-he asked m-me to kill him!" Diavolo says crying. Everybody in the room has started crying. Simeon, Luke, and Solomon arrive for Luke had a baking date with Barbatos. They all look at Lucifer's lifeless body. Luke starts crying holding Simeon, He breaks down crying still hugging Luke. Solomon is on the verge of tears from the atmosphere.

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