My home. Right.?

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Liam got so embarrassed he just walked out without anyone noticing. When he got home he went straight to his room and got ready to take  a shower. After he was done he got inside of the shower, turned the nozzle around just to the heat he liked, which wasn't even that hot. He always loved cold water. When he got in he closed his eyes to think about what just happened but when he did he starts seeing things. "LILITH!!!!!" He sees a man with wings trying to fly down to another Angel, a girl falling, bleeding, with a arrow in her wing. It quickly shifts to a different scene "...I love you Diavolo." The same man says but to another man, a man Liam recognizes, My BABYSITTER?!?  He opens his eyes hand on chest, tears rolling on his cheek. Maybe I'm just a fool but, I think that I belong with him.. No! He was a adult when I was baby, but he is still a adult.? He DID say he was 1000+ let's just do what we always do. Tell out of the window yeah, that always helps! He walks out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. "F**K YOU DIAVOLO!!!!!" He yells, suddenly someone is holding onto his waist. "H-hey!" He turns around to see the red haired man, Diavolo. "Oh-shit. Hiii..?" He says meekly. What the f**k- "Why did you call me Luci-Liam?" "Who's Luci.?" "I said Liam, now why did you call me?" "I didn't call you I cussed at you." "Same difference." "That's different." "Not really." "Whatever. What do you want?" "You~- but in all seriousness how are you today?" "Good. You?" "Im doing good! Anyways I must take my leave, good bye Liam!" He says giving a little kiss on the top of Lucifer's hand. He then walks through another portal but this time Lucifer is ready to run and follow. He quickly runs through still in towel only. Oh.. this isn't a hologram then. Shit. Cant let him see me. I should probably put in clothes- he turns around to see the portal closed and Diavolo walking somewhere down a road with his head down. Just need some clothes.. Maybe there, I don't have money and even if I did it's so dark I would lose it. Well there are lights hm. "Are y'a lost?" "Why are you only in a towel? You look nice but why?" "AHH-Holy f**k who the hell?" He turns around. He sees 6 TALL men. "O-oh you are tall." The 6 immediately look like they have seen a ghost. "LUCIFER?!?" "How?!" They continue with their surprised voices. "Wait..Lucifer? As in the demon?" "YA IDIOTS!!He didn't get his memories back.." "Should we take him to Diavolo or Solomon?" "Let's take him to Diavolo." I am not going to that guy. He is gonna have to come to ME if he wants to speak.

Lucifer's P.O.V
RUNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "MAMMON!!HE'S RUNNING!!!" "AIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! MAAAMMAAAAAAAA!!!!!" HOW'D I MESS UP SO BAD?!???? GET IN THAT CASTLE LOOKIN THINGY!!!!!F**************K LET ME INNNNNNNNN AHHHHHH *aggresive let me in noises* Finally. I should hide here til those crazy b*****s stop following me.. Wow. This place is so pretty. It doesn't look abandoned.. Whatever- let's just sleep here.

That was a fun chapter to pump out while listening to Enemy (Arcane)

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