One person 7 personalities

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It has been 12 years since they babysat Lucifer (They stopped because they never had Time to anymore)

Third Person's P.O.V
It has been 11 years maybe, no 12 years since Diavolo last saw his lover he needed to see him, he did t care if it was against law he needed to see him. He put on some clothes then looked at a old Lucifer baby picture (when they baby sat human him) *Dont worry love.. I will be there!* he thought to himself. He decided he would go alone just for that day, with MC and Solomon of course.. They had the portal ready and they had their human clothes on. The went through the portal excited to see Lucifer grown.

Switch to where Lucifer is.

"Mother. Please wake up school shall start soon, are you not feeling well?" "I am doing fine. Also, I heard the door knock, could you check it please?" "Of course mother." He walked downstairs and answered the door. "Ma'am or sir or person, please it-" he looks up to see a tall red headed man looming over him with two people around his own height. "Who are you?" "Oh I am Damien! This is Solomon and MC! I think your mother may remember who we are though!" "A-alright. I shall get my father for my mother isn't feeling well." He goes upstairs and brings his father. "Ah! Damien my boy! My you haven't grown old at all!" "You know this man?" "Yes he used to babysit you all the time." "O-oh, Why are you here?" "I had asked them to take you to school for us." "Alright." The four leave, once they are out of earshot Liam turns around "So, you gonna explain who you are?" "Damien. And these are my friends, they also baby sat you!" "Then how come you guys look like you are still 20-40 years old?" "We need to have SOME secrets, now shall we go?" "Fine." With that they continued on

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