Meeting the Angel..

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Third Person's point of view

Huh.? Where the hell am I-? Lucifer wome up in a bright place.. a castle.. He looked up and saw 3 people. In the middle chair sat who Lucifer could only think was God (hair color and length) flowed with the wind, in the right seat a very powerful looking Angel, a arch-Angel Micheal (whatever Micheal looks like). In the last seat sat a Angel he had never seen before but he could only assume that he was related to the other angels. Lucifer looked at himself. He was taller, his hair was back to black but no brown was there, his hair was much shorter, he felt like he could run 20 miles with no breaks, he didn't understand. He realized he had a weight in his sides but when he checked 2 wings were next to him and they were even attached to him. Suddenly he started getting images of something, the men that had babysat him hanging out with him, him calling them his brothers and one his lover. He couldn't understand any of this but he then realized his situation and remembered everything.."Nonononono...I can't be here.." his voice quavering. "I am afraid so Lucifer.." he hasn't heard that name for more then 98 years. "No..No..Micheal...Father..I'm begging you.." he says sitting on the floor tears running to the ground. "I-I am sorry, you can not go there.. We will try and find a way, for now live your new life to the fullest and become my favorited Angel once more." He says holding his hand out. Lucifer couldn't bear to even look in any direction where the ground was not. "I understand how you are feeling.." The third angel tries to say. "Y-you do not understand.. If you did you would realize how many years it took, how much pride that had to be set aside, how much I was hurting.. You do not understand how hard it is to be practically working for the person you love thinking that they do not reciprocate those feelings but when you finally grow the courage and ask them when you yourself are leaving but then they accept and give those feelings back..YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW I FELT THOSE LAST F*CKING SECONDS REALIZING YOU COULD HAVE HAD A DIFFERENT LIFE!!!!!!!" Lucifer was yelling, the guards that protected the palace had rushed over and saw one of their former embodiment of a prince sitting there sobbing. Micheal realized how hard Lucifer had fallen in love for this person. "W-whom was it that you love so dearly.?" He asks his voice quavering, he had never seen him like this. "Diavolo." The angel mumbled "Pardon.?" He says still confused. "Lord. Diavolo." The whole palace was appalled "What..?" His father said his voice full of no other emotion but confusion. "I have a idea... What if we held, fake tea parties so you could surprise him and see him here." "I-I would like that very much.." Lucifer had stopped crying, stood up and held his own hand to shake his father's. They shook hands...

Sorry this took so long, I got sick.

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