Meeting the Devil once more

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It was a few months after he came back and he was so excited to see his loved one once again. Today it was the first tea party. He made sure he was wearing the most appropriate clothing and a special peacock mask. Because why the f*ck not? Sure his brother may judge him but his love would not. He was excited to see MC, his brothers, Simeon (he would attend) Luke, Diavolo, and weirdly enough Barbatos and Solomon. "Sir Morningstar.. it is time to see your family and friends." "Thank you." He was practically running when he was going to the garden where the tea party would be held. Lucifer had made sure to comb his hair, brush his feathers, wear appropriate attire, and put his mask on so it would cover his upper face. "Ah! The guest of honor!" Micheal said. "And my son!" God added in. The whole table but the angels aside from Luke and Simeon were shocked. Had God replaced his 7 children with one of them being dead? "Hello father." Lucifer said. "Please sit right there." He says pointing next to Diavolo. Lucifer sat next to Diavolo making sure he stayed serious, Diavolo looked at Lucifer's side and realized this was his angel. He leapt up and toppled on Lucifer. Lucifer's mask fell off as he laughed a bit. " Hello everyone." Everyone was crying and smiling. "I thought you were gone forever!!" He was hugging onto him as if if he let go he would die. "I love you.." "I love you too." Lucifer said. "WAIT WAIT WAIT A HOLY HITCHCOCK STORY!!WHEN THE FEEYUCK DID YOU TO START TO LOVE YOU?!?!??????" Confusion at its finest. "Not telling. Kindly calm down you are making my ears bleed.

Years later.

Lucifer and Diavolo had been dating for a long time. Then Diavolo decided to bring Lucifer to the exact place Lucifer had met Diavolo and where Lilith had died it was somber. Lucifer was very confused at what was going on but went with it. "Diavolo? 2!-5 are you doing? Why are we here?" He asked "Because..I really want to ask." He knelt down on one knee. "W...Will you marry Lucifer?." He was almost crying. "Y-yes I will marry you..Now get up.." he helped him up and Diavolo put a ring on his finger. "Well... if you like something put a ring on it..But the only difference is. I don't like you I love." "I must say..being a human made me realize..I-Nevermind later.

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