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What the f**k?!Are they mental?! Ughhh, probably they were drunk and I was seeing things.. hallucinations possibly. Hmm.."Mr.Becker! Please focus on your work and not on her chest area!!" "Wait what-" shit I was looking at Mabel's chest- "Sorry Mabs!!" "Hahahah you should see your face!" Well. That certainly is embarrassing. I will have to formally apologize.

After school (they don't have any other classes together)

Third POV

"MABEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!"  Liam yells running to the auditorium "I AM SO SORRY I SPACEDOUTTHINKINGANDAND-AND!!!!" *sobbing Lucifer noises" "Wtf.Why's Liam crying?" His other friend, Jayden asks "He spaced out and accidentally looked at my chest." "Pfft-HAHAHAHHAH LOSER!!!" He starts to laugh and point at him. The other kids laugh along leaving Liam to have sad embarrassed Liam noises

I just noticed we had these- anyways TO BE CONTINUEDD

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