Meeting the baby

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A woman of around 30-40 was worried for her son because this is the first time she left him alone with anyone- especially a stranger. The woman paced while holding her beautiful baby boy. The baby grasped on his mother's finger and started to put it near his mouth. The older woman smiled, a man around the woman's age walks in "Love, he will be fine. The babysitter seemed kind, he will bring his friends just to take care of one baby! Just calm down, the date and Liam will be fine." He says while kissing her cheek. "Alright he should be here soon." After the couple waited a bit someone rang the doorbell.  They opened the door while baby Liam sat in the couch babbling. "Is this the ******?" "Yes that's us! Your the babysitters right?" The wife  replied with. "Yes! My name is Damien and these are my friend that will help take care of the baby!" He says smiling brightly. The husband looks at the man and says "My my! You are quite the tall one arent you guys?" He says astonished at their heights. The taller men laugh. A blueish team hair colored man walks up then bows. "I am Benjamin. Is it alright if we come in to meet the baby?" He says in a polite manner, the couple nods. Diavolo looks at the baby holding back tears, the baby had a black birthmark on his forehead. "S-so how did he get that? Was it always there?" Mammon asks "O-oh yes! We do not know who he got it from though.. Anyways we much be leaving now! Thank you for babysitting him, good bye!" The couple waves and leaves. Diavolo starts crying infront of the four year old. "U-uh! Nwo!" Diavolo looks at the baby confused. He spots Mammon and Levi quietly fighting. MC walks over and shuts them up with a kiss. "Euh!Ew!" Liam says the whole group but him start laughing. "Oooh! Pwetty!!" He says looking at the golden lace on Mammons waist. "Unh unh! No touchy touchy okay Luci-Liam!" He says in a kind tone. "I w-Wanna play!!" The little one shouts, "Well?You heard the man! What do you wanna do kiddo?" Satan says in a happy tone. "D-dragons! A-and-u-uhhh.." it seems that Lucifer cant speak correctly yet so Levi says "Princesses?Or princes." The ex-demon nods enthusiastically. Everyone knew that babies might want this kind of stuff so they had already made costumes. Diavolo was the dragon, Lucifer was the prince, Mammon was the knight in shining armor who heroically dies- Satan was Lucifer's horse, Belphie was the lazy cat he brought with him, Asmo was Lucifer's sister, Levi was a farmer who just watched, and Barbatos and MC were the royal parents. After everyone got costumed up the first decree was "I wanna fight da dwagon!!" Lucifer said confidently. Everyone nodded, Diavolo was on all fours to be at Lucifer's height. "Raaawwrrr!! I'm a dragon and I will burn this kingdom!!" Diavolo said playfully "N-not if I got anything to say about it!!" The 2 act like they are having a epic fight in which Mammon acts dead. "Ahhhh!!!!Hosey!!!!" Baby Lucifer jumps on Satan and he starts to crawl as fast as he can away from Diavolo. "Arrghhhh!! Get back here you little prince!" Everyone was entertained. After about a hour they stopped playing and it was almost time for his parents to be back. "I love this little cutie!" Asmodeus says brushing Lucifer's hair. "T-tank woo!" Lucifer says. Diavolo starts to film because- baby Lucifer talk and Mammon dies from how cute his older brother could be. A while later his family arrives back "We are home! I hope he wasn't that much trouble-" she says but then sees Diavolo giving Lucifer a forehead kiss goodnight. "One day Luci. One day.." "S-sir? We are home. O-oh and here is your paycheck, do you need to stay the night? You and your friends look exhausted. Diavolo reply's with "Only if it doesn't cause to much trouble!" In the end they end up staying over.

To be continued

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