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Third P.O.V
Liam wakes up still in the floor alone. Good. It seems that those crazies didn't find me.. Let's explore for the sake of it. Probably should use this. He walks to a knight statue and takes the sword, when he does the whole suit crashes down Sh*t. Since he knows it's too heavy he decides to go inside the suit instead of make more noise to leave. "Barbatos? Did you hear that?" "Yes I did my lord. Possibly MC is here, he IS clumsy."  Is that the Diavolo?! Sh*t maybe he is visiting this place. Hopefully he doesn't live here. "LORD DIAVOLO!!!WE SAW LUCIFERRRR!!!!!" "You what?!" He booms turning into hid demon form. "Y-yeah he was in the town! We tried to catch him but he ran while we were talking-!" "He could get killed here and you didn't FOLLOW HIM?!" "We did but he hid somewhere, we don't know what happened.." "Send every guard to look for him, I shall aswell." Diavolo says more calmly. Why is he looking for MEEE???IM JUST D*M*ED PERSON!!! I don't want to see him anymore, he's kinda scaring me. What do I do? Do I stay here? Can they smell human?Are they human? Wait-of course they aren't human! They have the weirdest eye color and pupils.. THEY ARE NOT HUMAN!!How did I even get here..?Did god screw around and say "Hey hey!You are gonna be in a demonic realm and run away from a high official of this place! Bye!" I should prob leave.. nobody is here right? He looks around Good nobody is here. He gets out of the armor and stands up he looks around once again. He turns around and sees Diavolo looking right at him. "SH*T!!!!!!!" He starts to run. Since the floor was freshly waxed just before his entry he slips and falls. "SH*T!!!" "Liam Becker. What the hell do you think you're doing here...?" he sees Diavolo now looming over him. "Oh sh*t I- uhmm.." Know what?F*CK IT RUNNNNNNN He gets up and starts running away. Diavolo runs and catches him almost immediately. "Where the hell do you think you are going..? DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS IT IS FOR YOU TO BE HERE?!?!?!" Lucifer's eyes looks at the tall man in the eyes and says "N-no. Set me down. Now Diavolo." At that exact moment he gets set down. "I kind of followed you in the portal when you were leaving..." He says looking down ashamed and  fearful for what kind of punishment he may get. " Liam. Look at me please." At this moment Diavolo uses his hand to raise Liam's face to look at him. "I am sorry if I am scaring you but this place is dangerous please go back home and forget I was even here. You will retain your memories soon enough.. Just please... Go home..." Diavolo says almost about to tear up. "Look..I may not be around you, You may not see me again.. But know that I love you more then any of the 3 realms could..Just, wait a while longer and you will see me again...Forget about me now, remember me later.." "A-alright.." with that Diavolo called Solomon to the demon lord's castle. Solomon opens up to the human realm.. "Goodbye Liam.. It was nice to see you again even if it was brief." "Mhm.." "Good bye Liam, see you soon"

Days became weeks became months became years.. and Liam never saw him.

~Time Skip~

Almost over 30 years he still didn't see him.

Years had passed he decided since he would wait for Diavolo he wouldn't love another.. Many years passed. It was almost his time.. Days before his end he told his family and friends "Just forget me, you will remember me soon." He had said. Later he passed on..

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