Agent 37

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Gotham City - Batcave

Batman and Robin enter the Batcave both clearly frustrated. Batman walks over to the bat-computer.
"What the hell was that out there?" Robin shouted at Batman. Batman didn't turn around just continuing with what he was doing. "We can't continue like this Bruce. We need to come up with a way to make our tactics work together" Robin explained. Batman didn't react just carrying on with what he was doing. "Are you even listening?" Robin as his face of frustration growing. Batman didn't respond. Robin took off his mask and looked at it before he looked back at where Batman was sitting. "You know what I'm done" Robin stated as he threw his mask on the floor before walking out of the Batcave. Batman turned to look at the mask before returning to the bay-computer. Dick walked up to his room packing his cloths into a bag before he went to the garage. He opened the garage door before sitting on his motorcycle. He zoomed off down the driveway of Wayne Manor finally reaching the gates. He turned to have one look back at the manor before he drove off into the distance.



The market place was alive with many people rushing about buying and selling items. The sand breezed over the path and into the air. A man moved from stall to stall a cover over his face stopping the sand from getting in his face. Closely behind him stood two men. One had dark brown skin, a long black beard and turban on his head. The other man was a tanned white guy with dark black hair and a clean shaven face. They chatted to each other keeping an eye on the man in front of them. The man turned to look at the duo before he started to soon as he started to run the duo followed chasing him through the crowd. The man pushed past the people knocking them over and spilling their items. The duo followed avoiding bumping into people as they chased the man. The white guys looked over as they were running at one of the houses in the street. He changed his run towards the house as his partner continued chasing down the man. The white guy jumped up on top of the house using the support beams sticking out the side. He pulled himself up looking over the crowd. He saw the man running a getting away. The white guy started to run jumping from building to building. As he got the end of the row of building he had caught up with the man they were chasing. As the man turned to go down a different street, the white guy slid over the top of the house grabbing the side of the roof before jumping on the man. He knocked him over, the man doing a backwards roll to get back to his feet. He pulled out a knife as the white guy smiled. He lunged forward to slice the white guy but his attack is dodged.
"Too slow" the white guy states while laughing. The man goes in for another attack. As he does the white guy ducks under the attack sweeping the mans feet from beneath him. He smiled as he turned him over slapping a pair of handcuffs on the man.
"Well done Agent 37" the man with the turban stated walking up behind. Agent 37 picked up the man pushing him towards the man in the turban.
"Their you go Agent 1, I even gift wrapped it for you" Agent 37 stated in a sarcastic voice. The civilians just stared at them confused by what just happened. Agent 1 turns to the civilians before telling them ,in Arabic, they're police. The civilians calmed down as they went back to what they were doing. Agent 1 and 37 dragged the man away to the outskirts of town, where a helicopter was landing. They got in the helicopter chaining the man to a chair so he couldn't escape. The helicopter started to lift of once everyone was ready. Agent 37 stood looking out over the town as they lifted off. Agent 1 came over putting his arm around him.
"So since you caught him, that means drinks are on me, right Grayson?" Agent 1 asks a smile on his face. Grayson smiles nodding his head.
"Yep they're on you Tiger" Grayson replied as they flew into the air.

Jump City - Local Bar

Grayson and Tiger both sat at table surrounded by a few woman, both with beers in their hands. Tiger was telling his famous Moscow story of how him and Grayson trekked through a forest chasing the famous Deadshot. It was his and Grayson's first mission together and always Tiger's favourite, as it impressed the ladies. Tiger was flirting and going on as Grayson just laughed and smiled, occasionally confining what Tiger had said. Grayson finished his drink so he went to get a refill at the bar. As he ordered his refill a beautiful woman came up beside him.
"Hey cutie, want to talk?" The woman asked in a flirtatious tone. Grayson smiled as he looked at the woman ready to work his charm but something felt off. His smile faded.
"Sorry not tonight" he stated walking away with his drink. He walked back over to the table putting his drink down as Tiger continued on. A little later on Grayson got a call. He pulled out his phone. It was a no caller ID. Grayson answered the phone just placing it up to his ear waiting for a voice.
"Dick?" A familiar voice asked through the phone.
"Barbra?" Dick returned slightly confused. "How did you get this number?" Dick asked looking around the bar.
"That is the stupidest question you have ever asked me Dick" Barbra replied. Dick smiled remembering Barbra's computer skills. "You need to come back to Gotham" Barbra stated through the phone. Dick smile changed back to a confused look.
"Why would I do that?" Dick asked as he watched Tiger get the number of one of the woman he had been chatting up.
"It's Bruce. Err he's dead" Barbra stated. Dick's face dropped upon hearing the news.

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