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Grayson and Raptor stood a few feet apart staring at each other. Grayson was the first to stop the staring competition offerings out his hand to Raptor. Raptor looked at Grayson's hand walking past him, ignoring his offer for a handshake. Grayson huffed as he turned to follow Raptor.
"Tiger told me you need some assistance here in Gotham" Raptor stated looking up at the night sky.
"Yeah Gotham is a big place and I just needed some help while I got some things sorted. Robin is already out here helping" Grayson stated walking up behind Raptor. Raptor tuned to face Grayson before he spoke.
"Where to first?" Raptor questioned a smile forming on his face. They used their grappling hooks to shoot up into the skies of Gotham. They ran across rooftops splashing through puddles left over from rainy nights. They landed on top of a building opposite a abandoned apartment building. Barbra had told them there was meant to be a gun deal in that building. Grayson and Raptor waiting using binoculars to keep a closer eye on things. Grayson turned to Raptor while he was taking a shift on the binoculars.
"So where are you from?" Grayson asked. Raptor didn't look away from the binoculars ignoring Dick's question. "Come on man if we're going to work together we have to know a bit about each other. I'll start I'm from Gotham but left seven years ago" Grayson stated motioning his hands to get Raptor to talk. Raptor remained quiet. "Are you a traveler, first time out of the city, are you" Grayson continue until Raptor cut him off.
"Do you ever shut up?" Raptor asked annoyance coming through in his voice.
"If you answer the question I might" Grayson stated jokingly. Raptor sighed before he answered.
"Gotham" he stated coldly. Grayson smiled as they were interrupted by the sound of gunfire. They both leaped to their feet looking to where the gunfire was coming from. The abandoned building lit up with every bullet fired. Grayson and Raptor looked at each other nodding before they each shot a zip line into the the outside wall of the building, the brick and mortar crumbling a little on impact. They both used the zip lines smashing through boarded up windows the wood planks snapping onto the floor. The gunfire stopped as the crooks looked at Grayson and Raptor. There was six gunman left. They started to aim their guns at the duo, but Grayson and Raptor moved quickly. Grayson jumped over a knocked over table using his right foot to kick the back of the first gunman's knee, while his left leg knocked the front of his foot causing him to fall, hitting his head on the table. Raptor jumped at the second gunman grappling his arm, snapping it over his shoulder before throwing him at the third gunman. Grayson broke off one of the table legs throwing it at the gun aimed at him. The table leg hit the gun knocking it into the gunman's face, knocking him out. Grayson then preformed a leap into a forward roll towards the fifth gunman, getting under him before punching up. The final gunman went to fire but Raptor blocked his bullets with his golden claw, the bullets bouncing off it onto the floor. Raptor got closer and closer until he grabbed the gunman throwing him to the ground. He raised his golden claw opening it to reveal the sharp claws. He was about to plunge the claws into the gunman when Grayson stopped him by grabbing his arm. He pulled Raptor off, the gunman instantly trying to run away. Grayson kicked up one of the wooden planks that were nailed to the window frames, kicking it at the gunman knocking him out.
"What was that?" Grayson asked Raptor his eyes showing his annoyance.
"You need to learn something Agent 37, the only way to stop crime is to put down the people causing it" Raptor answered his teeth gritted and fists clenched.
"We do not kill! And while your working with me there is no killing in Gotham! Understand?" Grayson stated him and Raptor staring intensely at each other.
"Fine, we'll do it your way" Raptor stated backing down. "But sooner or later you will realise this methods doesn't work" Raptor stated before he leaped out of the broken window grappling away into the night. Grayson looked around at the laying bodies of the gunmen as he heard sirens in the distance. He jumped out the window shooting his grapple and swinging away.

Back room of Gotham Casino

A man lay on a chair his face bloody and battered. His face had started to swell his right eye completely swollen shut.
"I love this city" a figure stated walking up to the man in the chair. He stood in front of the man in the chair his bloody fists clenched. "Who did you tell about the deal?" he questioned kneeling down in front of the man. The man denied telling anyone as his screams turned into tears. The figure stood up towering above the man in the chair. He grabbed the man by the head pulling him towards a table. He smashed his head of the table over and over again. He let go of the man a blood started to trickle down table leg and onto the floor. The mans body lay there his face unrecognised. The figure turned to one of the guards in the room. He extended his hand as one of the guards handed him a towel. The figure wiped his face and cleaned the blood from his knuckles. The other guard passed him his black blazer jacket which he put over his red shirt. "Clean that shit up" the figure demanded as he left the room. His face of anger turned to a fake smile as he walked through the casino towards the elevator. The elevator took him to the penthouse office. He walked out into the room. A man in black suit and a red bandana covering his eyes sat behind the massive desk in front of the massive window.
"Did he talk?" The man in the bandana asked. The figure shook his head. "That narrows it down to three people, me, the buyer or you Roland" the man in the bandana accused. "Now did I make a mistake making you my right hand man?" The man in the bandana asks. Roland shakes his head. "Good, then get the buyer to squeal. Because nobody messes with Tiger Shark" he declared.

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