A Funeral

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Gotham City - Wayne Manor

The rain thundered down hitting the tops up f the black umbrellas. A few close family and friends had been invited. Dick stood front and centre, no umbrella the rain just splashing off his suit shoulders and dampening his hair. Barbra sat in her wheelchair not far behind him with Tim Drake holding the umbrella for the two of them. Selina Kyle stood a bit of to the side as did Lucius Fox and his family. Jacob and Kate Kane stood further back watching as the funeral started. There was no undertaker the funeral being a prove event. The casket lay closed next to the grave. Dick moved to the front of the grave and looking at the distraught faces.
"Bruce, he was a man with many demons. He was orphaned as a child and inherited the Wayne fortune when he came of age, but we all know that. When I was a child I very much like Bruce was orphaned, but Bruce took me in. He fed me, put a roof over my head and taught me the majority of what I know today. Me and may not have got on all the time, especially in recent years, but even through all our fights I will never forget the day he took me in. Not for respect or notoriety but because it was the right thing to do. He was great like that, even if he didn't show he always cared" Dick finished his eyes starting to tear up. Multiple of the other guests started to cry as they remembered Bruce's life. Dick stepped away from the top of the grave. He and Kate were the two tasked with lowing the casket into the grave. They lifted it together before placing it into the grave. Each quest threw a black rose onto the casket as they passed before Dick and Kate started to shovel the dirt into the hole. One the hole had been filled they stepped back looking at the gravestone. Bruce's grave lay in the middle, with Martha and Thomas Wayne's on the left and Alfred and Jason Todd's on the right. The guest started to leave one by one but Dick stayed staring at the grave. He stood third for hours no movement, no words just the sound of rain drenching the ground he stood on. After a while Dick felt a touch on his hand. He turned to see Barbra in her wheelchair.
"Come inside it's cold" Barbra stated pulling Dick from his spot. Dick followed pushing Barbra's wheelchair back into the manor. Everyone else had left except for Dick, Barbra and Tim. They stood in the manor the rain crashing into the windows as silence owned the dark manor. "Lois said she couldn't make it, but she sends her condolences" Barbra stated . Dick nodded. They wondered down the hallway, walking towards the grandfather clock. Dick turned the time, the clock moving to the side revealing the entrance to the Batcave. They walked down the cold steps, carrying Barbra down by her wheels. They stood in the Batcave looking around. The bats hunt from the cave ceiling as water fell of the drip stone hitting the rocky floor. The three walked up to the bat-computer, the massive triple monitors surrounding them as they reached the front of it. Barbra have plugged a usb into one of the ports which set up a video. The video started playing, showing Bruce sitting in the chair with his suit on but no cowl.
"Hello Barbra, Tim, Dick. If your watching this video that means I'm dead. So before I start I want to thank you for all you have done to help me, and I want to apologise for everything I've done to you" Bruce's video started. The three listed as the message continued to play. "The Batcave and Wayne manor have been in my family for years and it will continue to do so as you three are the owners of the estate. I have left a fund that should keep the manor paid off so money should not be a problem. Also as Wayne Enterprises CEO I announce Lucius Fox to be my replacement. As for my night job the three of you will need to continue the mission." As Bruce's message stated those words Dick shook his head turning to lean over the railing. "The criminals of Gotham are a superstitious lot, using fear is the best way to go. Batman must live on!" Bruce finished. Dick walked off as soon as the message finished Barbra chasing after him.
"Dick wait" Barbra shouted. Dick stopped to face her, he looked at her eyes before sighing and walking over to the display case. He stood in front of the Batman suit his reflection staring back at him a little below the eyes of the suit. He shook his head before turning to face Barbra and Tim.
"I'll defend Gotham and help who I can but I'm not putting on that suit" Dick stated. Barbra and Tim both nodded.

Gotham General Hospital

Dick stood on top of the hospital. He wore a full black suit of amour as he talked to someone in his earpiece.
"So where are you meeting this guy?" Barbara questioned over the earpiece. Dick looked over to the cemetery across the street.
"The cemetery" Dick stated.
"This doesn't sound shady at all" Barbra stated in a sarcastic tone. Dick laughed.
"It's Gotham everything is shady" he stated as he got a notification on the wrist arm of his armour. He put a black face masks over his face so the bottom half of his face was covered, before he jumped of the side of the building using a grappling hook to swing down to the cemetery. He landed in the cemetery looking around for the person he was meant to be meeting. He heard rustling in one of the bushes tuning to look. He turned to see a man dressed in a white and orange suit. The bottom part of his face open revealing his brown skin and ruff beard. On his left hand he had a claw like contraption coated in good.
"You must be Agent 37" the man stated his eyes focused on Grayson.
"Yep, I'm assuming your Raptor" Grayson returned.

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