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Dick sat in the main seat of the Batcave facing the batcomputer. Barbra and Tim stayed at him awaiting an answer. Dick shook his head before he spoke.
"I don't know" he stated defeated.

A few hours later

Dick stood staring at the suit display cases. The Batman suit looking down at him. He looked down at his old Robin suit it tattered and broken. He looked at the Batgirl suit the dust spiralling down the shoulders and cobwebs growing in the gaps of the eyes. He looked at Tim's new Robin suit the shine gleaming off it like had just been polished. Finally he looked at Jason's Robin suit. The mask shattered and his blood imprinted on the dark red and green.


Gotham City Ace Chemicals

Dick, Barbra and Jason stood on the wall on outskirts of the Ace Chemicals island. Batman was on important business with Superman and Wonder Woman leaving Dick in charge. Jason was in training to become the next Robin when Dick finally left the moniker to go to college. They had heard Joker was planning an attack on Ace Chemicals that night and they were ready. They were laughing and joking until they heard an explosion and the insane laughing of a mad man. They leaped down from the wall gliding into the hole the explosion had just made. They entered to see a group of thugs and the Joker standing not far behind them. He laughed as his goons ran at the three. Dick went low flipping one of the goons over his head as Barbra slammed him down. Jason threw batarangs as three of the goons dropping them immediately. Dick and Barbra went back to back as they fought of going after goon. Dick got cocky leaping over one the goon and dropping him by kicking the back of his knee, making a joke as he did. He looked over at Barbra who smiled at his joke before her eyes turned to one of shock. She ran forward leaping towards Dick pushing him out the way. Dick turned his head to see the joker with a pistol in hand as smoke escaped from the barrel. Dick turned his head to see the the bullet pierce through Barbra's body the green glow of kryptonite radiating of the bullet. Barbra landed with a hard thud on the floor, as blood started to spill from her body. Dick ran over applying pressure on the wound immediately. As he looked back to where the Joker had started to run. Jason looked over at Dick and Barbra before returning his look to where the Joker was running. His face turned to one of anger chasing after the clown. Dick watched as Jason went after the Joker not caring what Jason did just focusing on Barbra.


Dick walked out of the Batcave and out of Wayne manor. He swung into the city in his suit landing on rooftop overlooking the Gotham bay that divided Gotham and Metropolis. He sat on the edge of the roof watching as the waves crashed into the rocky ground down below. He noticed a man walk up behind him sitting down next to him. It was Raptor. He sat next to Grayson his golden claw resting on the gravelly top of the roof.
"So how you doing?" Raptor asked his usual rough voice being toned down to a softer one. Grayson kept looking out over the bay. "That bad huh" Raptor stated after noticing Grayson's silence. Grayson sighed before he replied.
"I've been away from Gotham for a while, and when I left I somehow thought things would get better, for me, for Gotham and everyone I care about. But since I've been back it's made me realise the only thing that has got better in the seven years I've been gone is me. And I've been back for all of a few days and it's already starting to tear me back down" Grayson stated his voice tired and broken.
"So why don't you leave again?" Raptor questioned genuinely.


Metropolis Daily Planet

Dick sat on top of the Daily planet overlooking the city of Metropolis. His back leaned on the golden planet statue the rested on the top of the building. As he looked out someone floated up behind him. He came and sat next to Dick, his blue and red suit making him stand out against the gold of the statue.
"So Bruce told me what happened" Superman stated joining Dick view of the city. Dick nodded in response. "I know he won't say it but he'll miss you, but he gets you have to become your own man, your own hero" Superman sated leaning forward linking his hands together.
"I just don't know where to go or what to do" Dick stated turning his look to Superman. Super man sighed before a smile appeared on his face.
"Dick you remind me of a story I read from Krypton. A warrior that came down at times of need to help, the creature does this not out not out love or hate, it does not seek fame or money. It's only need it to help, whether that's saving crop season so people can eat or simply carrying someone's bag for them. It never cared how hard times got, it doing everything to help someone else. He was a folk tale to many but I've always like the story. The creature was called a Nightwing" Superman finished. Dick smiled as he and Superman watched the sun rise the darkness of night slowly disappearing.
"Thanks Superman" Dick stated as he stood up the sun getting in his eyes. Superman smiled standing up also.
"You can call me Clark" Superman stated with a smile.


Grayson looked at Raptor who was still awaiting his answer. Grayson stood up as the moon started to fall.
"Because it's the right thing to do" Grayson stated extending his hand to Raptor to help him up.

Wayne Enterprises

Lucius Fox was in his lab looking over schematics that were sprawled over his desk. "You know the office upstairs is a lot more comfy" Dick stated as he walked in. Lucius smiled as Dick walked in giving Lucius a hug.
"I it down here, was never much of an office guy" Lucius joked. "So what can I do for you?" Lucius asked leaning backwards on his desk.
"I need a suit" Dick stated putting his hands in his pocket. Lucius looked at him confused.
"Don't you already have one?" Lucius asked.
"That suit is Bruce's, it was a vessel for his vengeance and his mission. That's not what I stand for, I'm not and never will be the Batman" Dick stated. Lucius nodded understanding what Dick meant.
"So what did you have in mind?" Lucius asked. Dick smiled as he placed the schematics for his new suit on the table.

Roland's apartment

Roland stood in his living room staring out the window. His phone started to ring with an unknown number on the screen. He picked up and answered.
"Hello" Roland asked into the phone not knowing who was on the other end.
"Roland I need to speak to you urgently please" Tiger Shark stated from the other end of the call. The phone went dead.

Nightwing (1) Out Of The ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now