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Roland's apartment

Roland put down the phone looking out his window. 'He knows it was you' a voice stated out of the darkness. Roland looked around his dark apartment.
"Who said that?" Roland asked with a sense of threat in his voice. The voice laughed as Roland's eyes darted around the room. He walked over to the light switch turning it on. Nobody was there. He walked around a bit more, pulling out his guns she looked for the body attached to the voice. He came across a mirror. He looked into it but it was not his reflection looking back, it was his brother's. "Mark?" Roland asked his confusion causing him to lower his gun. Mark nodded. He was wearing the same clothes as Roland but they were ripped. His eyes were black and his hair was messy. "How?" Roland asked with intrigue and confusion.
"Blockbuster" Mark answered quietly. Roland looked around the room seeing a syringe with the blockbuster formulae in it. He looked back at mark who face had dropped to one of anger. "Tiger Shark knows it was you who sold out his gun operations" Mark answered his voice low and rough. "He knows you plan to oust him from his throne. He know what you did to me. He k owe everything" Mark stated as the brothers both moved closer to the mirror.
"I did what I had to do. For the betterment of Gotham" Roland replied looking down, his voice filled with anger and regret.
"Then it's time to help Gotham again" Mark stated causing Roland to look back at his brother. "It's time to take the throne take Gotham into a better tomorrow" Mark preached looking over at syringe still laying on the table. Roland nodded walking over to the table and taking the syringe. He walked out of the door making his way to the casino. The rain poured down splashing of Roland's coat and dripping down his face. He walked through the market as shoppers gathered under shelter to avoid the rain. Roland walked through the middle of the street his body hunched forward as the rain flowed through the cracks in the floor. Lighting thundered down in the distance behind him as he just kept walking. He finally reached the foot of the casino. He looked up at the two guards standing at the doors. They ushered him in and walked him to the elevator. The sound dices rolling and people laughing and drinking filled the room. Roland made it to the elevator the doors opening as it hit the bottom floor. He stepped on before pressing g the button for the penthouse office. The doors closed as the elevator started to lift. Sweat and remnants of the rain ran down Roland's face. The elevator counted its way to the top floor before the door finally opened with a ding. He walked in walking down the strip of carpet that led to Tiger Shark's desk. The guards in the room stared at Roland as he got closer to the desk, their hands on their guns. Roland got to the head of the desk standing to attention as Tiger Shark swivelled round in his chair.
"You wanted to see me" Roland stated his fake smile plastered on his face. Tiger Shark stood up and walked to the massive window behind his desk.
"I know it was you Roland. The one who has been spilling my secrets, revealing my selling locations. You told me you wanted to make this city a better place. A fool's goal. Gotham is Gotham. It will always be disgusting and corrupt. People with money will always be the one's in power. But people like us can make it to the top" Tiger Shark states as he holds out his arms. "But I'm here to make money Roland, by any means necessary" Tiger Shark continues. He walks up and gets in Roland's face. "Are you?" Tiger Shark questions. Roland looks down a smile creeping onto his face. He injects the syringe into his arm. He looks up, looking Tiger Shark in the eyes. Tiger Shark stood there as Roland's eyes turned pure black. Roland head butted Tiger Shark, breaking his nose. Tiger Shark fell backwards as blood started to pour from his nose. He started to crawl away as the guards pulled out their weapons and began to fire. The bullets began to bounce off Roland as he grew, his clothes ripping and the bobble that bound his hair snapping. As he finished his transformation he let out a primal roar. He flung himself forwards smacking the guards with the back of his hands, knocking them into the walls of the office. Some of the guards ran up to him as their weapons became pointless, getting squashed as they got to close. Tiger Shark screamed at the guards to let the animals out. One of the guards went to the metal door behind a bookshelf, he pulled down the lever opening the door. As the door opened three loins walked out growling as they stepped into the office. Roland noticed the animals as he split one of the guards in two. He let out a roar aimed towards the lions. The lions let out a roar back before pouncing towards Roland. Roland knocked the first one out the air with his left arm, the second got a grip of his right arm. The third jumped up it's teeth clasping onto Roland's neck. Roland pinched up sending the lion on his neck into the chandelier, the glass shattering over the animal. He grabbed the lion on his right arm by its mane before he snapped its neck. He walked over to the lion that was covered in the shards of glass. He pulled one of the shards out putting the lion out of its misery. He walked over to where Tiger Shark was hiding. He lifted up the desk to find Tiger Shark with a gun. He fired the gun the bullets having no effect. Roland grabbed the gun out of Tiger Shark's hand crushing it in his palm. He picked Tiger Shark up by his collar pulling of his bandana. Tiger Sharks eyes filled with fear as Roland stared at him.
"Was that by any means necessary?" Roland asks as Tiger Shark looks at the bodies littered around the room. Roland smiles as Tiger Shark shakes in fear. Roland eyes catch the window looking out into the city. He see the reflection of Mark smiling and nodding his head in approval. "Now we can make Gotham a better place" Roland stated.

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