Barbra Gordon

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The morning light shone through the disheveled windows, the sound of paper rustling and writing filled the room. Barbra sat at her desk writing away as officers brought in the six gunman from last night. She leant back in her wheelchair as he hand started to cramp. She continued to write as a hand landed on her desk. She looked up to see the smiling face of Dick Grayson. She looked at him with a smile.
"Shouldn't you be asleep" she stated sarcastically continuing to write up reports on the gunman. Dick sat on her desk causing her to stop her writing.
"You know I don't need that much sleep detective. And since you've stopped writing I assume your available for breakfast?" Dick asked his cheeky smile getting the better of Barbara.
"Sure" she sighed closing the report. She grabbed her bag putting it on her lap before she wheeled herself out of the precinct as Dick walked beside her. They went down the street to a small diner. They sat at a secluded corner table sitting across from one another. They both ordered food before they spoke, Dick breaking the silence.
"So, I know we haven't had a chance to really speak since I got back but I want to know how you have been" Dick stated scratching the back of his head. Barbara smiled leaning forward resting her elbows onto the table.
"I've been alright two lots of physical therapy a week, a good job as GCPD detective, night job as well. You could say I keep myself busy" Barbara laughed. Dick winced at the first statement, which Barbra noticed. "Hey this wasn't your fault" she stated reaching out a hand to hold Dick's. "The doctors say I maybe could walk again soon" she smiled, this lifted Dick spirits letting himself smile. "So what have you been doing? Russia and Egypt don't really seem like your ideal tourist locations" Barbara laughed. Dick nodded and laughed at her comment.
"I had a feeling you might have been tracking me" Dick replied with a smile. "Well Egypt is quite nice, very hot. But I wouldn't know much about Russia I spent the whole time camping" he joked. Their food arrived as they continued to talk about all they have done.
"I've missed this" Barbara stated with a smile. Dick nodded in agreement. They finished up their food before they went back to the precinct laughing and joking the whole way. They made their way to Barbara's desk as she looked at the paperwork that was starting to pile up. "Well I better get back to work" she stated with a sigh. Dick went to give Barbra a hug when they heard some commotion coming from the entrance of the precinct. Three men walked in two of them had pistols strapped into the belts of their suits, giving of a menacing look. The third man had no weapon he had a yellow shirt with a purple suit, slicked back hair balled up into a ponytail and a chiselled jawline.
"Hello all, my name is Roland Desmond" the man stated the officers all look at him intrigue. "I'm here to help, and to do that I'll be taking those six gunman you arrested last night" he stated calmly with a smile on his face. Barbara was listening intently until she heard the last name. She turned to Dick who had already disappeared. One of the young officers pulled his weapon aiming it at Roland. "I can assure you boy that is not going to help you" Roland stated with a laugh. The officer demanded he stand down and was under arrest. Roland laughed as he started to walk towards the officer. The officer fired at Roland the bullets hitting him in the chest. Roland reached for his chest before his eyes turned black. His arms started to expand, his balled up hair fell loses running down his back. His suit started to rip as he grew to eight foot high. He stopped transforming as the bullets dropped out of his chest and onto the floor. He looked down at the officer with the same smile. He grabbed the officers gun crushing it in his bare hands. Before he could grab the offices Grayson swing in grabbing the officer and moving him out the way. Roland looked at the costumes vigilante as his smile grew to a face of anger. He roared causing the officers to run out of the precinct. During the commotion the two men with Roland snuck in to the holding cell of the precinct in order to kill the gunmen. They shot five of the six before Grayson got there jump kicking one of the men before flipping the other to the ground. He grabbed the gunman out of his cell rushing him to the roof. Roland was on his tail jumping through the ceiling landing on the roof with Grayson and the gunman. The gunman hid behind the door to the roof leaving Grayson and Roland to fight. Grayson ran at Roland jumping to punch him in the face. He connected but Roland didn't flinch. Roland threw a punch a Grayson which he dodged leaping behind Roland. In mid air Roland caught Grayson's ankle pulling him back to the ground. Roland picked Grayson up throwing him towards the roof access door. His back hit the brick wall sending him face first into the floor of the roof. Roland walked over to him grabbing the cowering gunman from behind the door. He picked the gunman up in one hand grasping his head like a orange. Grayson couldn't get up his back and face in utter agony.the gunman screamed as Roland applied pressure to his head. Grayson tried pushing himself up until he heard the crack as the gunman's blood dripped onto the floor of the roof. Roland lifted Grayson up placing him against the wall of the access door. Grayson looked up to see the black eyes staring at him with the obnoxious grin on the face of Roland. "Hello Robin" Roland stated to Grayson's shock.

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