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Gotham city

Batman and Robin landed in a lab. They both pulled out torches as they looked around. Biles and tubes of chemicals layer scattered on every shelf. Some lay on the floor shattered. The lights had been smashed and the lab was a mess. They walked further into the lab seeing more and more destruction the further they went in.
"What do you think did this?" Robin asked looking over a flattered metal table.
"Not what, who" Batman replied walking further on. They came across a man laying on the ground, his clothes torn and unconscious. Robin got close checking if the man was okay. He checked his pulse before noticing a Id badge on his torn up jacket.
"Mr Mark Desmond?" Robin asked as he shook the unconscious man. The man's eyes opened, they were pure black as Batman pulled Robin away. The man got up as he grew. He turned into a behemoth before roaring. Batman dropped tear gas pellets, both him and Robin covering from the gas. The pellets did nothing as the man ran at Batman and Robin. They jumped out of the way as the man smashed through the side of the building. The man landed on the street and started to run. Batman and Robin watched him as he ran. "Where's he going?" Robin asked. Batman looked at the route before he answered.
"Blackgate" Batman stated. They both hopped down from the building rushing into the Batmobile and following the man. The man leaped and ran down the streets of Gotham, leaving holes in the road and crumbling building in his wake. The Batmobile followed behind almost catching up with the monster. Finally Batman shot a load of small silver spheres out I front of them, where the man was about to land. He landed slipping on the spheres and crashing into an apartment building. The man looked up his blank black eyes conveying the anger inside the man. Batman and Robin hopped out the Batmobile ready to fight. As the man stood up he was hit with multiple exploding batarangs to the chest. Batman and Robin turned to see where the attack had come from as a woman in a purple and black bat suit hopped down beside them.
"So what you couldn't keep this one in one spot" the woman stated sarcastically. Batman stared at her before he answered.
"Watch it miss Gordon" he stated bluntly. Robin laughed as they turned to face the man.
"So Babs high, me low and Bats for the middle?" Robin asked pulling out his battle staff. Batman and Barbara nodded as they ran towards the man. Barbara jumped up high using her night sticks to hit the man on either side of his head, disorienting him. Robin went low jamming his battle staff into the side of the man's leg causing him to fall to his knees. Batman came in with the final blow of the tactic. He used in electrical gauntlets to punch the man knocking him out. The man fell backwards to the floor as the Batman, Robin and Batgirl congratulated each other. As they were celebrating the man started to get up his body started to get even bigger. He stubbles forwards as his veins started to burst. He made one final roar before he fell back to the ground, dead. The GCPD soon arrived to take the body away as the three vigilantes watched from the rooftops.
"So who was that?" Batgirl asked.
"A Mr Mark Desmond" Robin answered as he watched the GCPD try to lift the body. Batman, Robin and Batgirl returned to the Batmobile driving back to the Batcave. Back at the lab a man came out from a secret room. He looked around at the destruction Mark had made. He walked to the whole in the wall looking out into Gotham. He picked up a file named the Blockbuster serum. He put it into his lab coat before slipping out of the lab.


Grayson started to wake up as Roland stood above him still in his large form. He lifted Grayson up by the wrist holding him in the air. Grayson came eye to eye with the behemoth as Roland smiled.
"I know it's you little bird, you come back the same time the Batman disappears. And I know your not one of the other two, because one's dead and the other is a different ethnicity" Roland explained obnoxiously.
"How?" Grayson managed to get out still in physical pain from the fight.
"How am I alive? How am I speaking? These are good questions. You see that night you met the Blockbuster, that was my brother and yes he did die that night. But he served a greater purpose, he was test subject one. I am the superior second version" Roland stated spreading his arms out holding Grayson like a rag doll. "Now I need you to know that I plan to help this city, so it would be very helpful if you stayed out of my way" Roland declared as he put Grayson down. Grayson groaned as Roland jumped of the building and into the city. As Roland left the access door smashed open as A few officers came running through. They looked around the roof only seeing the dead body of the gunman. Grayson hung off the side of the building as to not be seen. He pulled out his grappling hook and lower himself down to the alleyway. He got on his motorbike before he zoomed off back to Wayne Manor. He arrived at the manor falling through the doors. Tim was the only one there helping Dick get up and down to the Batcave. Once down there Tim helped Dick get stitched up. Barbra called Dick through the Batcomputer. She asked what happened.
"Roland Desmond, brother of Mark Desmond" Dick explained as Tim stitched up the gash on his back. Barbra face change to a look of worry remembering Mark Desmond.
"Who's Mark Desmond?" Tim asked. Dick explained who Mark Desmond was to Tim. Tim and Barbra both looked at Dick before they asked.
"What are we going to do?"

Gotham Casino

Roland landed on top of the casino as his massive form started to return to normal size. He walked down the stairs to Tiger Shark's office. He walked in as Tiger Shark was watching the big fish tank he hand in the Conor of the room. Roland walked over to him.
"Is it dealt with?" Tiger Shark asked not turning his attention from the tank. Roland nodded as he stood behind him. As they watched the tank a man came plummeting down his mouth taped over and his legs fired. Roland looked on in shook as the man banged against the glass of the tank.
"Who is that?" Roland asked as he tried no to show his shock.
"An undercover in our ranks" Tiger Shark stated coldly. He kept looking at the man as he begged against the glass. Suddenly he was gone as his blood floated in the water. A massive tiger shark swam round the tank the man's hand hanging out of its jaw. "Why do you work for me Roland" Tiger Shark asked his voice cold and monotone.
"Because I love this city and you will do great things for it" Roland replied. Tiger Shark smiled before he turned and walked back over to his desk.
"Honestly, I like it" he stated a cold smile appearing over his face.

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