The Bird And The Monster

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The rain hit into the window, the remnants of the raindrops trickling down. Roland raised his arms in triumph.
"Look at what I have done for you Gotham" Roland preached. Nightwing and Raptor stood at the opposite end of the room staring at Roland. His clothes were torn and he had cuts and bruises starting to show. He was still in his enhanced body just staring out into the city of Gotham. Nightwing and Raptor were taken out of their state as a hand slammed on the glass wall behind them. They both turned to see Tiger Shark beaten and scared. The tank was empty of water and had a massive tiger shark dead on the floor.
"He's a monster" Tiger Shark screamed. Roland turned around to look at Nightwing and Raptor.
"I'm the monster?" Roland questioned with anger in his eyes. "You sell drugs to kids on the street, you run the gun trade here in Gotham, you have had multiple people killed and I'm the monster?" Roland questioned his mouth foaming from his frustration. "No I'm not the monster. I am the only man willing to do what is necessary to help Gotham thrive. I love this city and I will do whatever it takes to protect it" Roland declared as he looked at Nightwing and Raptor. "I told you Robin, stay out of my way or you will get hurt" Roland threatened as he pushed the office desk to the corner of the room.
"Roland you need to stand down and come in quietly before someone else gets hurt" Nightwing bargained.
"Stand down?" Roland questioned shaking his head. "After everything I've done. You ungrateful little shit" Roland roared as he threw the desk at the duo. Nightwing and Raptor dodged the desk rolling to either side of the room. Nightwing and Raptor ran towards Roland. Nightwing went low as Raptor went high. Raptor kneeled Roland in the face pushing him forward as he flipped over him. Dick drop kicked Roland's knees dropping him to a kneeling stance. Both Nightwing and Raptor went for a second hit but Roland flung his arms up knocking the two vigilantes away from him. They both got up as Roland ripped of the rest of his shirt, roaring out in anger. Nightwing pulled out his two batons the electric sparkling of them as they were activated. Raptor stretched out his claw the light shining of the sharp gold edges. They both ran at Roland throwing punches, kicks and using their weapons. The attacks seemed to have little effect of Roland as he pushed Nightwing back causing him to crash into a bookshelf, the books falling over him as the shelves napped into pieces. Raptor jumped over Roland again but this time he outstretched his golden claw slashing at Roland's neck. The claw opened a cut Reace along the pulsating muscle behind the skin. Roland roar as he grabbed Raptor before throwing him threw the brick wall on the side of the building. The bricks crumbled as Raptor shot through them the rain and broken cement mixing in the air. Nightwing watched as Raptor was sent herding into the city. He chased on instinct jumping through the hole in the wall. He grabbed Raptor by the arm attaching a device the his wrist. The device activated shooting out a titanium rope into the side of the building. Raptor returned to the building hanging of the side as the rain continued to fall. Once Nightwing had attached the device he turned aiming one of his batons at the building. He tapped button on the side as a grapple shot out attaching itself to the corner of the building. Nightwing swung round pointing his legs out as he smashed through the main window. The glass shattered around him as he flew feet first into Roland. The momentum of the kick caused Roland to fly backwards into the tank containing Tiger Shark. As Nightwing landed he rolled forward into his standing g fighting stance. Roland stood up seeing Nightwing ready to fight as the black and blue of his suit stood out in the moon's reflection. Roland ran at Nightwing consumed by rage his stomps destroying the floor with every step he took. As Roland got closer Nightwing flipped backwards out of the window. Roland leaped trying to get him but soon started to fall. Nightwing watched as Roland fell to the ground, with himself following behind. Quickly turning in mid air Nightwing shot his grapple into the gargoyle attached to the side of the building, stopping his plummet to the ground. He watched as Roland hit the ground hard the road exploding under his weight. Nightwing lowered himself down slowly his feet landing on the ground as the dust from Roland's landing started to settle. The rain continued to pour as people stared from under their cover. Nightwing looked around as the onlookers stared at him in confusion. He was broken out of this distraction as Roland started to emerge from the crater he had just created. Cuts, bruises and bites covered Roland's body the rain washing the blood down his body. Nightwing got ready to fight once again as Roland stood to his feet. "You cannot stop me, nothing a man stop the Blockbuster" Roland declared as I looked cowered away in fear. Nightwing looked at Roland realising the cut Raptor had made was still open. He flipped his baton in his hand before running at Blockbuster. He jumped over Blockbuster's attempted right hook jumping onto his back. He jammed his baton into the cut before activating the electrical current surging through it. The electricity shot through Blockbuster's body causing him to roar out in pain. Nightwing flipped of his back as Blockbuster finally fell. After Nightwing had knocked out Blockbuster he started to return to his normal form. Stretch marks covered his body as the rain washed away the blood. Nightwing picked up his baton wiping of the blood on the end. The onlookers got closer recording Nightwing with their phones. Before they could get a good shot of him Nightwing grappled away as police sirens converged on the location. He grappled up to one of the many gargoyles the city had resting on top of it. He looked over as the police dragged Roland away.
"Good job" Raptor's voice stated from behind him. Nightwing turned to look at Raptor a smile appearing on his face.
"So what's next?" Nightwing joked as Raptor leaned against the building.
"I've got a few jobs waiting for outside of Gotham so I'll keep myself busy" Raptor stated looking out into the city.
"So I guess this is we're we part ways" Nightwing stated offering out his hand for Raptor to shake.
"I guess it is" Raptor stated returning the handshake. He walked over to the edge of the gargoyle ready to leave before Nightwing spoke.
"If you ever in Gotham again or in trouble just give me a call" Nightwing joked. Raptor smiled as he leaped of the gargoyle and into the night.

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