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A few days later

Local diner

Dick and Barbra sat at one of the many tables in the diner. The sun shining through the windows as they enjoyed their coffees. They drank and joked as they discussed what would happen next.
"So your not staying in Gotham" Barbra asked. Dick nodded looking out the window.
"Gotham just isn't where I belong. Like I l love Gotham and it will always be my home, and I love the people in Gotham. But it just isn't where I belong anymore" Dick stated. Barbra nodded in agreement and acceptance. They finished their drinks before leaving.

Blackgate Prison

Roland sat in his containment cell. The cell was a solid brick box with no windows, one metal bed, a metal toilet and reinforced door. The only light was from a solitary lightbulb that hung down from the ceiling. The cell had multiple cameras surrounding the cell on the inside of the building and on the outside. He was still sporting wounds from the battle and his neck had been sewn shut with stitches. The light went out and the cameras shut off. Roland looked around the room. In the corner Nightwing stood. Roland glared at him standing up ready to fight. Nightwing put his hands up before he spoke.
"Whoa easy, I'm not here to fight. I'm here to help" Nightwing stated. He threw down a file onto the floor. The file was filled with information on the Blockbuster serum. "I want to know why you made the serum" Nightwing stated. Roland looked up after picking up the file. He flicked through the pages smiling to himself.
"It was being made for a buyer. I met the guy once but I worked out what he wanted to do with the formula. I couldn't let him. But he was coming anyway so I had to make my move quickly" Roland stated passing Nightwing back the file.
"What was his name?" Nightwing asked taking the file back.
"No real name just a moniker, Bane" Roland stated sitting back down on his bed.
"Thank you for your help, I'll see what I can do in return" Nightwing stated. As he was about to leave Roland stopped him.
"You need to be prepared little bird" Roland stated causing Nightwing to turn around. "A war is coming and I don't think you will be enough this time" Roland stated. Nightwing nodded before the lights went of and he vanished. Roland laid in his bed staring at the ceiling. "Good luck Nightwing"

Gotham Clock Tower

Dick and Barbra exited the lift to the top of the clock tower. The light shone through the clock face the clock hands creating a showdown they laid on the wooden floor. Dick put down the phot causing the room to change. The metal shutters came down over the clock face blocking out the light. The bookshelves were lowered down into the floor as monitor and control panels rose up in their place. Barbra rolled over to the panel tapping through some old files. Dick pointed out one file in particular, the file named 'The League'. They opened the file to five videos. The played the first video. The screen lit up to a birds eye view of Metropolis. Superman flew into frame as he lowered down a crashing aeroplane. Putting it safely onto the Metropolis bey. After helping the passengers to the shore. The video ended there. They selected the second video. It was security footage of a bank robbery. A woman in a red, gold and blue amour landed blocking the shots fired from the guns with her bracelets. The video ended there. The third video player. It started with a scientist in a lab working on an experiment when an alarm started to blink round the facility. The man's eyes went yellow as a blue cocoon engulfed him before he flew out of the lab. Dick and Barbra looked at each other before the fourth video played. The fourth was a African American man entering his home in a brown trench coat. As the man locked the door his eyes glowed red before he changed into green alien. Dick's eyes widened as the video ended. The final video played but it was a clip from the Batcave. It was a video of Dick training. Dick stood back and smiled as the video ended.
"So what was all that about?" Barbra asked looking at Dick.
"Well the first two videos are of Superman and Wonder Woman. Who are both now dead. I don't know who the other two guys are" Dick stated leaning back observing the screen.
"So what are we going to do?" Barbra asked already knowing the answer.
"If Bruce taught me one thing it was to always be prepared, and this is how we stay prepared" Dick stated.
"Well if two of these recruits are dead we will need to find people to fill those rolls" Barbra stated looking at Dick. Dick smiled before he moved over to the panel before typing in a name. 'Supergirl'.
"That's one, plus me that's two. That leaves three more to find" Dick stated with his arms crossed.

Coast of Santa Prisca

Raptor was across the burning grains of sand as the Santa Prisca sun shone down upon him. He walked over to a man who was lounging on a sun bed. He was covered in tattoos. He had his whole body on show apart from a black mask that covered the entirety of his face.
"Do you have what I asked for?" The man asked as Raptor got closer. Raptor pulled out a vile of blood.
"Roland Desmond's blood, just what u asked for" Raptor stated confidentiality.
"Good" the man stated getting up of his sun bed. He walked over taking the bike from Raptor before passing it to one of his men. "Thank you, senior Raptor. You will be heavily rewarded" The man stated as he returned to his sun bed. Raptor nodded before he walked away.
"Senior Bane what would you like us to do with the blood?" One of the med questioned.
"I want the blockbuster formula and I don't like to be kept waiting" Bane stated calmly. The men ran off to do the job asked of them. Bane closed his eyes resting.

Current day

Dick sat in a chair in the apartment of Kara and Iris. Kara, Barry and Iris started at him asking him what he wants.
"Hey I'm not here to fight I'm here for you help" Dick stated he got up from his seat.
"Why would be able to help you?" Kara asked trying to hide her superpowers. Dick looked at them with a confused look.
"You do know your Supergirl and The Flash right?" Dick stated in a sarcastic tone.
"What do you need are help with?" Barry asked confused at the whole situation.
"Saving the world" Dick stated with a smile.

The End

Nightwing (1) Out Of The ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now