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Lizzie POV :

Sarah just announced to me something I could never imagine would happen. My birth parents ? I thought they were dead. But they're alive and they want me. Why do they want me now ? And not before ? I needed a mom and a dad when I was younger, but now I can live by myself, even if I enjoy so much being taken care of by Sarah and Holland.

"Lizzie ?" Asked Sarah holding my face in her hands to force me to look at her in the eyes. She could see that I was stuck in my thoughts.

"What are you thinking about right now ?" She demanded.

"I- I don't know. Maybe something happened to them and they couldn't take care of me. Or- or sometimes parents don't have enough money to take care of their child so they let them to an orphanage... I- I don't know Sarah."

"Honey, you don't have to give them an excuse. What are you feeling ?"

"I'm lost. And confused. But I suppose I don't get to chose with who I can stay, so." And with that I stood up and started filling my bags with my stuff. Sarah was staring at me from the edge of my bed, probably not knowing what she had to do. And she spoke.

"Lizzie..." I turned towards her. "Maybe we could try to talk to Helena and figure something out, it's very early for you to leave, don't you think ?"

I turned back to tidy up my things and shrugged. I knew deep down I had to stay with Sarah and Holland, they were the first persons which ever give me love. But I also wanted to meet my parents, in order to understand why they abandoned me on my early life. Sarah seemed desperate behind me but I couldn't do anything about it. When I finished packing I turned to face her. She was still stating at me with a sad look.

"I can try to fight for you. Maybe we can become definitive foster care family and adopt you !" She said hopeful.

"I don't think it works like that Sar. And they're my parents, they have all the rights."

"No they don't ! They left you when you were just a baby and now they are coming back for you ?! It doesn't make sense !" She said, rising her voice, and honestly it scared me a little, but I was strong.

"So what ? What does that mean ? That I'm not worth it ?! That they should stay away from me, like they did all their life ?!"

"No baby girl... I didn't say" But suddenly I burst.

"DON'T CALL ME BABY !!" I screamed and I ran outside, taking my notebook.

I sat on the bench under one of the tree of the garden and started writing my feelings and the situation which was tearing me apart right now.

Sarah POV :

I knew Lizzie didn't want to be called baby because it reminded her of her rapist, but I didn't have the time to think before talking and I did this mistake. She misunderstood my words and now she was mad at me, the day before she was going to leave us. It was the worst situation ever. I was scared for her because we absolutely didn't know who her parents were, what were their intentions... I just didn't want my little girl to be hurt again.

I let her some times to be alone and I went outside. I sat silently on the bench next to her and she didn't move, she didn't even look at me.

"Lizzie... I'm sorry if I hurt you. I just want to protect you."

She raised her eyes, but she was now staring at nothing in the garden.

"You think that my parents are dangerous but you never met them. You have prejudices because you're a celebrity and you always lived in this kind of perfect life. And you think my parents will necessarily be less than you and your perfect little life. I'm not hurt form what you said, I just know that our standards are different, because ours lives are all but similar."

I was hurt. I was so hurt of what she just said to me. I knew she had been through so much already, even if she was only 16, but she couldn't say that about me. Yes, now I'm perfectly happy with my life, Holland, my career and now this new mission of taking care of orphans. But I had some hard times as well, life hasn't always been easy on me. Anyways, her words hurt like a knife in my heart, but I couldn't be mad at her, poor girl, she was so confused, I knew she didn't mean what she said, so I tried to brush it off.

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