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Lizzie POV :

I've been with Sarah and Holland since few months now and I started calling them moms every now and then. I love them so much. They're always here for me, when I'm fine or when I'm not and they never lose their temper with me. I'm turning 17 soon and Sarah prepared me a big birthday.

I started to get back to school and I met few nice kids which are now my friends. I even started dating a girl ! My grades are not that bad and Holland is always helping me when my homework are too difficult or when I'm too tired to do them. My teachers understand totally my situation, for example when I need to leave the class because I'm having a panic attack.

It's nearly summer and Holland, Sarah and I are going to Europe for the holidays ! I just can't wait to visit new countries and I want to start learning Spanish !

For now, I'm waiting for Holland to pick me up after school. She's a bit late but I'm not worried.

I jumped a bit when I heard a horn and I recognized Holland's car.

"Hi darling. How was your day ?" She asked me.

"Great ! Did you know that it takes more than 300 days to go to Mars ! And only 100 hours to go to the moon !"

"That's fascinating my love." Said Holland getting out of the parking. She kept her eyes on the road as I was telling her my day, and I could see her smiling when I was talking about my girlfriend.

"We kissed for the first time. It was soft and... I think I love her." I stated shyly.

"I'm so happy for you Lizzie, look at you, all grown up and pleased !"

"I knoooow !" I replied blushing.

We arrived at home and I ran to the house.

"Mom !MOM !" I screamed and Sarah erupted from the kitchen with her hands covered in dough.

"I got my first A today ! In geography !!" I jumped into her arms.

"Be careful ! I'm all dirty !" She said giggling. "But I'm so proud of you sweetheart. You're so smart and brilliant. And guess what we're eating tonight..."

I gave a quick look to the kitchen and saw a big pile of pancakes. My eyes shone in happiness.

"Thank you !! I love you." I said pulling Sarah in a hug again, and Holland joined us.

Sarah POV :

I told Lizzie to go do her homework and then I called her to eat. I heard her run on the stairs.

"Slow down Liz ! You're gonna fall one day."

She entered the kitchen with a big smile on her pretty pink face and sat at the counter. We ate together in so much joy and at some point I stopped eating or talking and I just stared at my two favorite persons in the whole world. Holland, my lover, my soulmate, laughing and playing with my dear girl, Lizzie, my one and only daughter.

After dinner we cleaned the dishes and Lizzie helped us, talking about what we were gonna see in Europe. God she was so smart, she had a talent for geography, it was her favorite subject and she was so good at it.

"When I'll be older, I think I'll be an adventurer !" She screamed, dancing around the kitchen while drying a plate.

"I think that's a pretty good idea." Said Holland. "What do you think my love ?" She asked me, kissing my lips.

"I agree. I would be so proud to read your books about your travel. But please Lizzie, promise me you'll be back soon ! Because we're going to miss you so much." I said faking pouting.

It made Lizzie laugh and when the chore was over, we all cuddled in the couch, as usual. Lizzie's head resting on my thighs and Holland next to me, an arm behind my head and the other one stroking Lizzie's back.

What a happy family we finally were. I waited for so long to have a family and my dream finally came true.

Lizzie POV :

When I was cuddling with my moms on the couch, I couldn't think of something else than I was finally happy, and that my dream came true. The dream I was imagining before falling asleep, or the dream I was writing or drawing on my notebook, it was now real. Having a family, moms that loved me and took care of me, all of it was real, and I couldn't be more happy and blooming. I love my life, I love my moms. I couldn't think of a better family. In fact, I was losing my hope to one day be finally happy, I was thinking that it was not possible for me to discover love and care from a parent, I was losing hope. And I did a last effort to meet Sarah and Holland, they were my last hope, and they saved me, in any way someone can be saved. I love them. I love my life.


Author's note : Hi guys, I'm sorry I didn't updated this story sooner but here is the end ! Lizzie is finally an happy and greatful teenager, living with the best persons ever. What did you think about this story ?

Your comments and votes gave me the stength to keep writing and I couldn't leave you without an ending, I hope you like it, tell me ;)

Take care x

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