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TW : Vomiting

Lizzie POV :

I fell asleep my head resting on Sarah's lap. I don't remember being carried to my bed, but when I woke up the next morning, I was in Holland and Sarah's house, in my bedroom, with the same sheets than when I left, and the same comforting smell of lavender. It felt so good, like being in the only place I really felt myself, I really felt like I was loved. I stood up and felt a little dizzy and unsteady, probably from the lack of food. I didn't ate yesterday at breakfast and then barely at lunch, and my parents didn't give me any food at dinner. I was starving so I made my way downstairs. Sarah was cooking with Holland and the last one turned towards me and we nearly bumped into each other.

"Oh Lizzie ! I didn't hear coming !" She kissed my forehead. "Hello sweetheart."

Sarah saw me too so she came to me and hugged me. "Hi dear love. How did you sleep ?"

"Great, I feel rested. Thank you for bringing me home."

"Thank you for being here sweet girl. Are you hungry ?"

"I'm starving !" I screamed sitting at the counter.

Sarah gave me a plate and we ate together. We laughed, we talked, we played with the food... We were three teenage girls at this point, and I was feeling very good.

"Are you full ? Do you want more ?" Holland asked me.

"I'm full, thank you."

Sarah frowned. I only ate a little plate of food, but my stomach already felt like it was going to explode.

"Where is this hungry little girl I know ?" She said tickling my tummy.

"Ah ! Ahah stop !" I laughed.

Sarah stopped and looked at me, still smiling but she said sternly : "My love, you need to eat, you're so small."

"I know but I'm not hungry, my belly is full Sar." I answered.

Sarah looked sad so I took another little plate of food for her.

"There you are." She replied giving me my plate.

Sarah POV :

I was a bit anxious about Lizzie's health. When Meredith was doing usual check up, she would say that she was healthy but I found her so tiny and skinny for a 16 years old girl. Meredith said to me that sometimes, when a child experienced traumas, their growth was disturbed. And for Lizzie's case, she suggested that during her abuses, she maybe wasn't fed correctly, so her stomach was small and she needed time to make it grow a little. I didn't want to push her but she looked pale and a bit unsteady so I rather made her eat more than less.

"I'm really, very full now." She said finishing her second plate.

"I'm proud of you sweet pie. What do you want to do now ?" I asked.

"I think I'm gonna rest a bit, I don't feel very good." She said frowning.

She walked to her bedroom as Holland and I were cleaning the dishes. When the chore was over, we both cuddled in the couch, but I had a bad feeling.

"I should go check on her, she really seemed sick before."

"She is okay, don't worry. You worry too much, you need to relax and let her rest when she need it."

"You're right." I sighed.

"You're an overprotective mumsy."

"I wish I was." I sighed again.

We cuddled again watching TV when I heard a door slammed upstairs and some gagging.

"Ok, I'm going to check on her now." I said rapidly standing up and running upstairs. I opened her door and she wasn't in her bed as I was expected to find her, but the bathroom door was open and the light was on. I rushed to it and discovered my poor Lizzie, throwing up in the toilet. She was sobbing a bit between gags. I walked to her and started stroking her back, holding her hair.

"Let it go sweetheart. You're okay, I'm here. I got you." I shushed to her.

Holland arrived few minutes later as she noticed I wasn't going back downstairs with her.

"Oh what happened ?" She asked looking at me holding Lizzie's hair as she was puking the last contents of her guts.

"I think she's sick. Could you take a clean pajamas on my closet and run a bath ?" I demanded to my lover. She nodded and left the room after plugging the bath and allowing the warm water to fill it. She then set a pair of pajamas on Lizzie's bed and came back. Our little girl was still gagging, a bit less now.

"Alright. Do you think you can stand up for me ?"

She let out a shaking 'yes' and stood up but as soon as she was at my level, she fell on her knees and put her head on the toilet again, and a new wave of vomit erupted from her mouth.

"Oh honey, let it go, you're fine. Try to breathe, in and out... In and out..." I said as she was tried to steady her breathing between sobs and gags. When she was finally empty, she laid back and I quickly caught her weak body. She seemed so tired and closed her eyes as I was rocking her back and forth.

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