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TW : Big Talk of Rape (be very careful reading this one)

Lizzie POV :

"I was first assaulted when I was six. It was my foster father, he was drunk and he... raped me. With his fingers."

I could hear Sarah breathing heavily next to me, but I was unable to look her in the eyes.

"He was also hitting me a lot, and often on my belly, so I had often stomach pains. The same pain I feel right now." I put my arms around my stomach.

"Then, few foster families raped me. When it wasn't with their... sex... It was with objects. And one time, I ended in a family which was selling my body to people. They gave them the right to do whatever they wanted with me, and they usually had sex with me. Kinda violently. I ran away, only to be put in a family where they hit me days and nights. And before two days ago, the last rape was... A month ago, by the older child of my last foster family, before Sarah and Holland." I finished, finally raising my eyes to meet Sarah's. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and I big lump formed in my throat, even if I suddenly felt so relieved. I finally told someone about my sexual abuses. I finally let go one of the worst thing that happened in my young life.

Through her tears, Sarah told me that she was very proud of me, and I was the bravest person she met in her life. I started crying and she pulled me again in a tight hug, the most comforting hug I ever had. Sarah's arms were like a home for me, a place where I was completely opening the gate of my soul, where I was breaking down the barriers of my feelings.

When we pulled off, Dr Grey seemed emotional as well. I had nearly forgot her presence.

"Lizzie, that was so brave to tell us all of that. I agree with Sarah, you're a strong young lady. And I know you'll do great things in your life, because you already fought so much."

I weakly smiled and she talked again.

"Now that I know why there is this little abnormality in your uterus, we'll easily treat you. There is no need for an operation for now, I'll just prescribe you medication that will help your wall to grow correctly, because you're still young, so fortunately you're still growing. I'm confident about the treatment, but if anything bother you at some point, just call me. And I'll be here, I'll do regular visits to make sure everything go back to normal. Does that sounds good ?"

"Yes, it does." I smiled.

Sarah POV :

I was still in shock about what Lizzie said, but I needed to be strong for her. I walked Meredith to the door and I came back to Lizzie's bedroom. She was waiting for me, looking through the window from her bed. I sat on the edge of her bed and she turned towards me.

"What are you thinking about sweet girl ?" I asked her.

"I feel relieved. I never told anyone about all of that and I thought I had to keep it for me but now, I feel a bit better because I feel like I'm not alone anymore in it."

"No you're not alone. I'll be here, I'm here. Now all of that is over. It's behind you and a bright future is waiting for you."

She smiled proudly and I suggested her she should take a shower to wash the blood. When she was showering, I washed her sheets and put on new ones. I cleaned a bit the house and waited for her, sitting on her bed. When she walked out of the bathroom, she jumped a little, not knowing I was still in her room.

"Sorry, I didn't want to scare you." I said patting the sheets next to me.

She sat and looked at her bed.

"Thank you for changing my sheets, you didn't have to do that."

"Yes I had to, you deserve to be taken care of, and I'm here for that. I always wanted to take care of someone and this someone is you. You're young Liz, you're little and you didn't have a childhood. I'll make sure you catch up all the things you miss, and from now on I'll do everything I can to give you back what was taken from you during all this years." I finished, and I turned to her. One single tear fell on her cheek and I kissed her forehead.

"I'm here sweetheart. I'm here now." We stayed close to each other for few minutes.

"You should get ready, there is a surprise waiting for you downstairs." I stated.

Her eyes shone and she stood up, running to her closet. I gave her some privacy and walked downstairs to finish the big brunch I was preparing for both of us. Holland was back working in her office, but when she heard me in the kitchen she came. I explained her everything until Lizzie entered the kitchen, wearing her usual sweater and legging. She was smiling, and she was so cute. My sweet girl was finally happy.

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