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Author's note : Hi guys ! How are you ?

I'm so sorry for the lack of update, I've been bad again lately. I fainted a few times due to me falling off the bed last week and especially because of my eating disorder... My psychiatrist wants to admit me to another hospital specialized in ED, but there is a 2 months waiting list. And on top of that, he wants to call my parents because he says I'm in a worrying state... So I'm not very good now, and I'm very stressed because I don't know if I'm going to stay here, or going in another hospital, or coming back home... It's been a month I'm here, I'm missing school, my family always asks me when I'm leaving the hospital...

But a good thing : I've made a lot of friends at the hospital and they're so nice and fun ! 

I hope everyone is okay, don't hesitate to DM me if you're not, I'm here for you, it helps me a lot to help people <3

Take care x

TW : Mention of Throwing Up

Sarah POV :

Holland slowly removed her clothes and she remained naked. Suddenly she realized it and she covered her body with her hands.

"No need to hide this pretty body my love. We're going to take care of you."

I removed her hands and she let herself be done. As she was too weak to stand up, I carried her in the warm bath.

"Holland, give me the thermometer please."

Holland immediately handed me the tool and I put it under Lizzie's tong. It made her gagging a bit but I reassured her.

"Deep breathes, just like that."

I waited for the bip and the result wasn't good. She was too hot.

"Lizzie, I'm sorry sweet pie but I have to give you a cold bath in order to cool your body down, you're way too warm."

She shivered at the idea of getting in a cold bath, but didn't grumbled, so Holland took her out of the bath and put her in thick towels while I was emptying the bath and replaced with cold water.

I put her again in the bathtub, but this time she struggled a bit.

"Too cold." She whispered.

"I know love, I know."

I stroked her hair while she was shaking and after few minutes I put back the thermometer in her mouth.

"Way better." I stated.

We removed her from the bath and immediately covered her with warm towels. Then Holland changed her in pajamas while I was preparing medicine. I came back to her.

"Can you try to swallow that honey ?" I asked her but she shook her head.

"My throat hurt too much." Her voice was so raspy.

"It's going to make you feel better sweetie."

Tears filled her eyes but after all she put the pills on her mouth and swallowed them with water.

"It hurts." She said in a sob.

"Oh Lizzie I wish I would take all the pain away. Now you need so rest." I said making her lay on her bed but she fought me a little.

"What is it ?" I asked.

"I want to sleep in your bed." She said shakily.

I agreed by a reassuring smile and carried her to my bed. Holland and I lie on both side of her. She was facing me and my hands were drawing patterns on her hot face as Holland was stroking her back. She eventually fell asleep after few cries of exhaustion and pain.

While she was sleeping, Holland called Meredith, but this one told her that there were a lot of flues recently and she probably caught it when she was with her 'parents'.

Few hours later, she woke up startled and sat on the bed violently, scratching at her skin.

"Hey hey, you're okay, I'm here."

Lizzie POV :

There was insects all over my body, biting my skin and stinging me. I was trying to make them leave but there was no use, they were too plentiful.

"Get away, help me !" I screamed but my throat was painful.

Suddenly I felt a pair of hands grabbing mine tightly.

"Lizzie ! It's okay, come back to me, you're having a nightmare."

"No ! No there are insects all over my body please make them go away they're biting me !"

"There is nothing on your body lovely. You're safe in my bed, wake up."

Sarah's voice was the one you could trust even in the worst situations. I believed her and opened my eyes. I immediately noticed that she was right, there was nothing on my body, just few red marks from my scratching.

"Sweet girl, it's okay look I'm here you're safe." Sarah shushed me and I jumped into her arms. "It was just a bad dream."

"It scared me." I replied.

"I know but as long as I'm here you're safe."

"Thank you Sarah. I don't want to sleep, I'm scared." I answered, still weakly.

"Would you like to watch a movie ? And maybe you could eat a bit because you threw up a lot, your stomach is totally empty."

"I don't want to puke again." I started to cry.

"You won't sweetheart, I'll make sure to make you eat something light. Okay ?"

"Mmmmh." I answered nodding unsure, still hugging Sarah.

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