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Ojuela, Durango
Mine Dungeon
Five years ago

Ramir's POV

"Where am I?" I panicked when I feel the familiar chains in my body , back when my father was training me, he used to put some chains in me if ever I will face some...
"Think Ramir! ... breath.. close your eyes..." I tried to tell myself but the fear is making my mind blank .. "come on!" I tried again...

"Uhmm.. ugh ..."

" Is someone there? , Can you hear me?" I shout when i heard the whimper, I tried wiggling my body so the chains will make some sounds. I squinted my eyes since its too dark but I dont see any movements ..
" Hey ! ,Whoever you are make some sound please ..if you can't answer... " I said while facing the dark space in front of me .
"Please..." I shout again ,I dont want to cry but I can't help it . After calming myself , I tried to make louder noise through my chained body. Shouting in the dark space until my voice was gone ....
"Please ..please.. answer me .." I plead .. my body hurts from moving too much but I keep doing it again... Again ...and again...hoping someone will notice me ...'till darkness reach my pained body....

Castiel POV

"Uhmm..ugh.." I whimper , the first thing that came in my mind was the chains..I tried to moved my body but the chains were to heavy for me. All I remember was my father showing me some weapons and jails as an introduction to my upcoming training since I became 7 years old. I am the heir of one of the ruthless mafia ... my thought was cut when I heard someone shout..

"Is someone there? , Can you hear me?"

I tried to answer but I came to realization that aside from being chained , my mouth was also covered in tape with a gag inside. The fear that was not present in my vocabulary is slowly creeping me out , I tried to console myself by remembering my father's words " No pain , no gain " , but its no use , "I'm just seven , just a kid " I told myself in my mind . "No! Being weak is forbidden ! You'll die ! " I keep talking to myself while trying move my body in this heavy chains .. Hope lit my struggling mind when I succeed in making noise , I looked in the dark space in front of me hoping that the person who shout awhile ago heard the noise ... all I hear was his pleading for my answers , I tried multiple times but all the noise I made is too low for him to notice... my young body can't help but to feel the pain everytime I moved my body. My silent tears and cry slowly drifted me in the dark space not knowing what will happen next ...

Donevié's POV

I heard them ... the plead ..the sounds of the chains...and the pain the slowly creeping them ... I can feel it ..

I wanted to return their plead ..I wanted to shout that I am also here ... but I can't ... even if I cant see myself , I know that I was also chained and a duct tape with a gag on my mouth ... I was beaten in pulp because I tried to fight them using my small body...I remember playing with my little sister when suddenly man in black barged in .. they took my little sister then two guys held me forcefully , I tried to get free from their hold by biting one of the hands but failed , they kicked and punched me without mercy , I tried to get up while forming my stand in fight mode trying to remember my training with my father but before I can even finish my collecting myself ... I saw them putting a bullet in my sister head and that killed her in one go.. my rage came, I throw my punches ,kicked whoever come near me while im trying to reach my little sister body ..

" Shut the kid, but don't kill him , we can use him just like others ". Said the guy with a cut in his eyebrow and left side of his lips.

"Yes, boss"
"Ya put a quite fight there, little boy" said the guy that got a hold me before I passed out .

I regained my consciousness here in the dark space since I dont know where am I , My mind become clearer when I heard some noise and voices . I tried to breath carefully since the pain in my body was killing me ... I promised to myself to rest a little so I can make my presence known to them once I woke up and can move my body . My goal is firmed until the darkness enveloped me in the oblivion.

I will kill for whoever stop me from my revenge- Donevié


Years had passed like an eternity for them ,everyday they had a new scar marking every corner of their body . Everyday they had to fight to eat ,and begged for a cup of water .. being sick may seem a little bit of luxury to them as it was the only time they can lay their body on the ground and no heavy chains attached to them.

When a heavy steps roared in the hallway of the dungeon , it only means one thing ,another disgusting night for one's young body .

A whip ,for every food forced to feed your mouth ..a food that can't seem to stay inside his mouth and cried to be just disappear.

A timely routine that won't let you get a wink of sleep , the sounds of agony filled the dungeon coming fr every cell ,but what's more scary was the silence that mean's everyone were anticipating wether its time for their death and can only let themselves be silent so no one can hear their breath . Truth to be told ,its more scary not hearing your own voice ,screaming in fear,asking for help every seconds, and daze to the young bodies being touched infront of you , though you can looked in different direction , in that way you can see the other one feeding its own tongue , smiling like crazy ..


"Run faster"

"Move faster , I can still see your back from here! , Jump higher, stretch your body more! ,Pick it up ! Run again ,... Hit it one more time! .. run!!! ,Still slow! Again! Do it from the start! Or you won't have time to sleep until you improve your training! "

"Yes mam!"

One lap,two laps, jump and jump ,stretch , hit and hit , im still slow , one more time, I can still run , still slow ,one more time ...

My body collapsed the moment I hit the floor , I haven't even had an energy to take off the cover in my eyes , I dont know what is it , but the darkness ...were undeniably comforting me ...


Im sorry you that you need to go through this hardship, but this is a must , you must endure for a better life ahead ... I promise I'll do everything for your future ,I already failed once when they knew about you and got taken away ..If only you knew how heartbroken am I that seeing you off was the only thing I can do that time ...

I never knew my dull life can have its own color if I want it to be , having you was never been a mistake , you brought light in my darkness ...

"You really had change"

"You think so?"

"I never knew you would do something foolish ,you know its impossible to have a normal ,but you still stubbornly had this child!"

"Im sorry ,I wanted to die peacefully ,but there were something that stopping me ,and then ...here I am?, Peacefully looking at her exhausted stated ."

"I don't know "

"And she's gone... Thank you my friend ."

Authors note:
This my first published story so please bear with me . Im not good in english and will try to be better next time. Enjoy !

Next: Nanah's POV

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