29. Pain

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Three kings Pov


I don't know what to do ,I feel so lost . My heart clenched every time those pictures of her with different men flashes through my eyes, I want to hurt her the way she hurt us , but I held myself, that moment all I can do was ask all over again like my older brother but her answers cut through me multiple times .

Its been three months , we're back in our way old way ,but more closed off I dont know what my brother planned was ,but I will follow him no matter what . We never really talked about her since then ,we went to our plan and drowned our self in exterminating the Mexicans Mafia ,as soon as we came back in underworld .


Three months ,thats
how long Im enduring the pain like nothing , my heart felt empty ,my senses were numb ,my mind was only working to my priorities in Mafia as the first king .I can't let them see my weakness even if I want to run back to her arms and accept her ,setting aside all the past, every time her face popped in my eyes . I can forgive her, Im willing to give up everything if it means to be with her . Next week , was the start of our vacation after "the mexicans extermination" , I planned to talk to my brothers about our positions and just live happily in the shadow . We can finally think and talked everything in silence . They never ask or tried to confront me about her ,but I knew that they were just waiting for me .

She was our everything ,in just a moment she had turned us to men in grief in her betrayal with her words the pained us deeper than we know .


I feel like my heart will explode in pain when I saw the pictures  but it pained me more to see my brothers in silent tears and receiving the confirmation upfront with the very person we had grown to cherish . That time all I can think were the vulnerability of my brothers ,that I can't even spare her a glance ,that night my voice was filled with betrayal as I leave my final message for her .

Today, my brothers are waiting in our office in the mansion , last night was the last day of our "Three months Mafias extermination" , same count since the last time I saw her and the last time we had tried to talked about her . The two months went smooth as we drowned our selves in dark and only focus in our revenge ,but the last month became so painful for me ,as  all the information was sent through me first as the head of Intelligence Division , they used underhand methods as using people close to each member for distraction and was placed ahead of us , I can't help but think that those pictures were fake and forged ,but then again ,the thought of her confirming it was her ,make my heart clenched and heavier. What I didn't expect was the revelations of Mrs.Bella's illness and Jaydie's secretary ,I can understand Jaydie since he became the 'lover' of our right man ,but Mrs. Bella has just recently met Mr. Angelo , as our main contributor when it comes to illegal guns ,so we concluded they touched Mr. Angelo first as soon as they got his weakness . I collected all the details regarding her before and after we met her as soon as we had finished our priorities .I planned to share it with my brothers .

I opened the door to our office and saw my brother in silent , I placed the folder in the table to get their attention .

"If this about the bitc- her , please I just want to rest ... I cant ..I just cant   , please brother , Im afraid ill betray you and go back to her .. . " Castiel begged, I sat beside him as he burts into tears.

"It so ..painful ,I came to realized I love... her ,im fucking love her that it pains me ,Im so scared brother... , im s..cared I just gonna ...accept her again... ,and feel the ...same pain if she did it again ,Im not... sure if I can live after that , I feel ...so lost " Castiel said in the middle of his sobbing , I can't helped but hugged him and looked at my older brother , his eyes were full of longing and pain .

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