Lets Go Meet Harry Potter

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Ariana's POV

Before embarking on my Hogwarts adventure, I scooped up my pet snake into my hand-bag and shot a glance at my brother, who'd been rocking the same poker face for the past five years. 

Pure-blood royalty, proud, and as arrogant as they come. He had the classic disdain for muggles and half-bloods – not outright contempt, but no helping hand either.

"Hey, can you manage a 'goodbye' or 'take care'? I won't be back until summer holidays, you know," I prodded, hands on my hips, expecting at least a pretense of sentiment.

"Not necessary," Felix replied stoically.

Undeterred, I approached him, initiating an uncharacteristic display of affection. I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug, planting a kiss on his cheek. 

It required some tip-toe maneuvering, given his towering stature. He smirked, delivering the classic big brother line, "Don't miss me too much."

I couldn't help but blush a bit. Despite the familial ties, he was undeniably handsome, and he had a substantial sis-con. When we were alone, he turned into quite the flirt.

"No! I won't!" I huffed in mock annoyance, then left with Hagrid, leaving behind the enigmatic sibling with the perpetual poker face.

As Hagrid and I made our way towards the Hogwarts-bound carriage, he turned to me with a ponderous expression. 

"Ariana, ya reckon we could make a quick stop to pick up that famous lad Harry Potter? Word is, he's still hangin' around these parts."

"You mean the Boy Who Lived? Harry Potter?" I raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Yeah, that's the one! Thought it might be nice for ya to have some company on the way to Hogwarts." Hagrid nodded enthusiastically.

"Sure, why not?" I agreed.

Time skip ~~ To The Hut

Standing before a seemingly impenetrable hut, I couldn't help but voice my concern. 

"How do we get in? It's locked from the inside," I asked, puzzled. Hagrid responded with a mischievous smile.

"We break it," He declared, initiating a door-banging spectacle that caught me off guard.

With each mighty thud, the door groaned, then finally succumbed to Hagrid's determination. "Sorry 'bout that," He apologized, nonchalantly fixing the door as if he hadn't just dismantled it. 

'Ha ha, isn't that just fantastic?'

Before we could revel in our successful breaking-and-entering, a gun-wielding man confronted us. 

"I demand that you leave at once, sir! You are breaking and entering!" He bellowed, gun aimed our way. Hagrid effortlessly grabbed the gun, bending it upwards. 

"Wow~~~" I clapped in sheer amazement.

"Dry up, Dursley, you great prune," Hagrid retorted at the man. The gun went off, blasting a hole in the ceiling, prompting shrieks from the man and a woman who appeared out of nowhere.

 Amidst the chaos, a plump boy emerged.

"I haven't seen you since you were a baby, Harry! But you're a bit more along than I expected," Hagrid remarked. "Yeah, me too," I chimed in, surveying the unexpected reunion.

'Shouldn't Harry Potter be cute and pretty? I mean, come on, he's the dude who stared down Voldemort and lived to tell the tale... right? Right?' I pondered silently.

"I'm not Harry," The plump boy dispelled any misguided notions.

'Thank god!'

Then, another boy, skeletal in appearance but undeniably cute, stepped forward. "I am," he declared. My immediate thought? 'Thank god, indeed!'

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