Let's Get Sorted

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Ariana's POV

Inside of Hogwarts

A fleet of boats cruised across a vast lake, leading us to the majestic Hogwarts Castle. People gawked in awe as we disembarked, and the adventure was just beginning.

We marched onward, approaching the castle. First-year students traipsed inside, navigating through a colossal door and beginning the ascent up a seemingly endless staircase. 

Hermione, for some reason, clung to my hand like she was holding onto a treasure.

"Hermione, it's scorching in here... let me go...?" I pleaded, but she just grinned. 

"Nope!" Refusing to release her grip. I groaned as she dragged me along, the heat intensifying.

On a higher level, a woman in a green robe and a black hat awaited. Tapping her fingers on a stone railing, she welcomed us, and my mind wandered to the pets left behind in cages. 

'Ha ha! Serves him right!!'

"Welcome to Hogwarts. In a few moments, you'll join your classmates, but first, the sorting hat awaits. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin are your options. Your house is your family, blah blah bla." 

'Goddess! Can we just wrap this up and call it a day already? I've got better things to do than endure this endless saga.' I thought, yearning for the imminent end to the endless speech.

The stern warning echoed through the air, "Any rule breaking will lose you points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup." 

"The sorting ceremony will be starting momentarily," She announced before departing into the Great Hall.

"So it's true then, what they were saying on the train. Harry Potter and Ariana Roscente really have come to Hogwarts," A young, devilish-looking boy with short blonde hair sneered.

'He not only looks arrogant but also manages to sound just as arrogantly impressive. It's like arrogance is his second language, and he's fluent.'

The whispers started among the students beside us.

"I'm Crabby, and this is Goyle. I'm Malfoy," The boy introduced himself and his two cronies.

'Ah, he's the son of that woman with the striking black and white hair that I accidentally collided with this afternoon.'

"Draco Malfoy," the thought crossed my mind as Ron beside me snickered, earning a glare from Malfoy.

"Think my name's funny, do you? And no need to ask yours, I guess. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe—you must be a Weasley." 

"You'll soon find out that some Wizarding families are better than others, Potter, Roscente. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort." He declared, extending his hands.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks," Harry replied with full sass, refusing Malfoy's arrogant offer. 

'Oh, is this the so-called fated enemy rivalry I smell? I mean, come on, who doesn't appreciate a good dose of drama in the grand theater of life?'

Tension hung in the air as they glared at each other, so I slipped from Hermione's grip and shook Malfoy's hands. 

The unexpected move left a bewildered look on his face, and I couldn't help but grin.

"Though that was undeniably rude, I'll let it slide this once. You can call me Ariana." I said with a smile, giving Draco a taste of my charm.

In response, Draco turned on the charm-meter by bringing my hands to his mouth for a kiss and flashed a smile that probably had its own fan club.

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