Lets Go Meet Aragog

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Ariana's POV

"God, why is it so noisy today?" I groaned, disturbed by a cacophony of voices and quarreling infiltrating my peaceful slumber.

"Aria, get up, it's time for breakfast."  Suddenly, a guy's voice shattered the morning tranquility. "Mmm, no, I want sleep," I protested with a sleepy whine.

'Wait! A man?!!'

I opened my eyes to realize it wasn't Hermione's voice. Cue instant awakening panic. Opening my eyes, I discovered a legion of Gryffindor male seniors, apparently my new wake-up squad. 

"Had a good night's sleep, Princess?" Oliver, asked with a smirk that could rival a Cheshire cat. "Yeah..." I mumbled, reaching out and accidentally petting someone's hair.

Lo and behold, it was a shirtless Fred. "Ahh, fuck!" I exclaimed, tumbling off the bed. 

"Language!" Percy scolded, who suddenly appeared. "Sorry....I was startled." I replied as he extended a helping hand, rescuing me from my floor-level embarrassment.

"If you're done with your beauty nap, go back to your room," He commanded and I not.

"Don't worry, George and Fred may be flirty and mischievous, but they respect women. In fact, Oliver was so protective that he didn't even let any guy near you."

Percy assured me of the Gryffindor trio's gentlemanly conduct. I looked at the said person and he winked at me.

With a cloak draped over me like a medieval knight's protection, I thanked Percy and hurried back to my room for a wardrobe change, hoping for a less eventful morning.

Time Skip~~~

"So, apparently, it was Hagrid who opened the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago," Harry dropped the bombshell. "It can't be Hagrid! It just can't be!" Hermione exclaimed.

"We don't even know this Tom Riddle. He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch, and Aria's aunt was there too. She must have been the one who did it." Ron, on the other hand, had his suspicions.

"I agree with Ron," I chimed in.

"The monster killed somebody. Ron, what would any of us have done?" Harry, attempting to play peacemaker, added.

"Now, look here, Mr. Harry Potter. If you blame Hagrid another time, I'm gonna stab you with this wand I'm holding. I'm not even joking." I warned holding my wand pointedly..

"Guys, guys, Hagrid's our friend. Why don't we just go and ask him about it?"  Hermione proposed. 

"That would be a cheerful visit. Hello, Hagrid, tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?" Ron, ever the master of sarcastic comments.

We denied the accusation in unison, but the awkwardness lingered.

"You called me?" Surprise motha fooker!! Hagrid appears behind, startling us. "What's that you've got, Hagrid?" Harry decided to cut through it, asking Hagrid. 

"Oh! It's Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent. For the Mandrakes, you know. Now, according to Professor Sprout, they've still got a bit of growing to do."

"But once their acne's cleared up, we'll chop them up and stew them, and then we'll get those people down at the hospital un-Petrified."

"In the meantime, though, you four had best be looking after yourselves. All right?" Hagrid, ever the enthusiast, told us, and we nodded in agreement.

 "What happened, Aria? You look a bit dull." Then, Hagrid, being Hagrid, asked noticing my demeanor and I hesitated. 

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