Severus Snape

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Ariana's POV

"Harry! Hurry!" I called out, catching up to him.

As we sprinted through the school, a chaotic scene unfolded - Death Eaters, Dementors, Giants, and Acromantulas launched an all-out assault on Hogwarts.

Amidst the chaos, students, staff, and members of the Order of the Phoenix valiantly fought back.

Harry, in the midst of the mayhem, encountered Ginny and Neville, who were on a search mission.

"Ginny, Neville!"

Neville, escaping from the clutches of danger, nearly plummeted to his demise when a bridge gave way. Thankfully, he managed to scramble back up to safety.

"You alright?" I asked, extending a helping hand.

"Never better! I feel like I can spit fire! Have you seen Luna up there?" Neville inquired, scanning the chaotic scene.

"Luna?" Harry scowled.

"I'm mad for her. I think it's about time I told her since we'll probably both be dead by dawn!" Neville declared with a mixture of determination and romantic flair, adding a touch of humor to the dire circumstances.

Elsewhere, Ron and Hermione, on their mission, must have successfully destroyed a Horcrux, causing both Harry and me to feel the agonizing pain of its demise.

As Harry and Ginny rendezvous, they decide to steal a moment for some kissyface - because, really, who can resist a romantic interlude in the midst of mayhem?


"I want to kiss Draco too..." I mumbled, rubbing my lips, only to snap back to reality. "Harry!! We don't have time," I exclaimed, dragging him away from the romantic diversion.

Finally reaching a wall, we entered the Room of Requirements, there we discovers the diadem.

The eerie whispering, reminiscent of our Gringotts adventure, confirmed its Horcrux status.

But getting it wasn't easy as Draco and his sidekicks, Crabbe and Goyle, crash the party.

Draco, with all the sass in the world, hits Harry with a taunt: "Well, well... What brings you here, Potter?"

Harry, never one to back down, fires back, "I could ask you the same."

"You have something that's mine. I'd like it back." Draco's got a bone to pick. Harry, not easily impressed, counters with, "What's wrong with the wand you have?"

"It's my mother's. It's powerful, but it's... not the same. Doesn't quite understand me. You know what I mean?" Draco's got wand issues, apparently.

"Why didn't you tell her? Bellatrix? You knew it was me. You didn't say anything." Harry wants to know why Draco hesitated to tell about him at Malfoy Manor.

"Come on, Draco! Don't be a prat. Do it!" But just as Draco's about speak, Goyle swoops in.

"Draco, there's something I need you to do," I mentioned, revealing a wand from my dress sleeves. This one, different from my red wand.

Harry peeks into my sleeves like a detective only to find them disappointingly empty.

"It was magic, no hidden treasures in there," I quip with a mischievous smile before redirecting my attention to Draco.

"You can't have your wand back!" I declare, and Draco shoots me a disapproving frown. "Why?!" He protests, annoyance written all over his pointed Malfoy face.

"It changed owners when Harry dishanded you," I explain with a casual flair.

"Doesn't matter, I need it!!" Draco insists, taking an assertive step forward. I match his move, giving him the stare-down of a century.

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