Romantic Difficulties

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Ariana's POV

It was Quidditch selections, and Ron was on cloud nine for getting selected, thanks to a bit of Hermione magic, of course.

As for me, I decided to retire from the Quidditch field this year. No Oliver, Fred, or George meant no one could talk me out of it.

Then came the Slytherin selections, and I was hit with a curveball - Draco quit.


The Gryffindor common room became our Quidditch analysis center, with me and Ron on the sofa, and Harry and Hermione casually leaning nearby.

"I have to admit I thought I was going to miss that last one. I hope Cormac's not taking it too hard. He's got a bit of a thing for you, Hermione," Ron spilled.

Hermione's reaction? "Cormac. He's vile."

Harry, always the bearer of intriguing news, pulled out the book from Slughorn's cupboard. "Have you ever heard of the spell Sectumsempra?" He asked Hermione.

"No, I haven't. If you had a shred of self-respect, you'd hand that book in," Hermione retorted, visibly annoyed.

"Not bloody likely. He's top of the class. He's even better than you, Hermione. Well, not better than Aria, of course. Slughorn thinks he's a genius," Ron chimed in, throwing a compliment my way.

"I'd like to know whose book this was. Let's have a look, shall we?" Hermione asked, eyeing the mysterious tome.

"No." But Harry, with a hint of secrecy, stood up.

"Why not?" Hermione pressed on. "The binding is fragile," Harry explained, skillfully hiding the book behind him.

"The binding is fragile?" Hermione repeated, skepticism written all over her face.

Before anyone could unravel the mystery, Ginny seized the book and read aloud, "Who's the Half-Blood Prince?" Everyone looked intrigued.

"Ginny, give me the book," I requested, she handed me the book and I took a peek, recognising the handwriting immediately.

"Oh, I know whose book this is," I announced, handing it back to Harry. "Who?!" Surprised everyone asked. "You already know him!" I chuckled amused.

"You do. Who is it?" Hermione asked. "It's actually surprising that you done know." I returned, astonished. "Oh well forgive me!" She replied sarcastically and I chuckled.

'He's been teaching us for about six years, and you can't even recognize his handwriting?'

"I'm not telling you. Find out yourself," I declared, returning to my sleep.

Time Skip~~

It was Christmas, a holiday, and all I wanted was to indulge in a cozy nap. Then, Hermione barged into my room, exclaiming, "Get ready, we are going out!"

"Noooo, Hermiioneeeee, I want to sleeeeeep. Give me sleepp~~~" She insisted, "Now!" I groaned, getting up and changed into some decent clothes. And so, the holiday adventures began.

 And so, the holiday adventures began

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