Story Time

151 15 4

Ariana's POV

The day came to an end, and we all changed into our sleeping clothes, gathering on my bed.

Since I requested a separate room, there were no gender-specific rules - boys or girls, anyone could come in, but it still counted as part of the Gryffindor dormitories.

"It all started 49 years ago when my aunt met Voldemort. She fell in love with him instantly, it was destiny... them meeting. Well... that's how the story goes... They met in Hogwarts, you know?"

"Wait, that means Voldemort was a student in Hogwarts?" Harry asked surprised. "Yeah, probably. Then they started dating, later got married after graduation or so I believe."

"They married?!" Hermione exclaimed, surprised. "Meh! I don't know the whole story. But that's what my brother told me," I replied.

"Still can't imagine Voldemort as a romantic," Harry said, making a weird face, and I chuckled. "Well it's Hogwarts, love stories are as twisted as the moving staircases."

"It was the time when he just started building his army. She was his first Death Eater. Cordelia blindly fell in love with a monster just because he looked hot."

"Even though he became ugly later on, I guess she honestly and truly fell in love with him, so she stayed with him."

"Cordelia was strong, very strong! But dumb at the same time. She used to believe that everything Voldemort said was right."

"She, too, thought that Muggle-borns needed to be eradicated. You know, us pure-bloods hate them. Even my brother did once, but not now, I guess." I shrugged.

"Voldemort didn't love her. I mean, if he did, they would have a kid or two, right? All he wanted from her was the authority and power she held in the Wizarding World."

"My aunt didn't even realize that she was being used. The reason why he kept her by his side was due to her power; she had really strong healing abilities."

"Cordelia's healing was so strong that she could bring a person back alive when they were just a breath away from dying. I wish I can surpass her."

"But even she couldn't bring a dead person alive, it's not possible. She was annoyingly clingy, never left his side even for one second. After a few years, my mother was born to my grandfather's second wife."

"My aunt didn't like my mother because she rivaled her in strength and beauty. Ah! My mother and father are the same year as your parents and Snape."

"Is that why he hates us? Tell me, Aria! Why?!" Harry urged me. "Well, I don't know the exact reason. But I think it's the same hate as you and Draco," I replied.

"Continue the story, Aria, it's very interesting! Oh, Yeah, and do you have any snacks in your room?" Ron asked, looking around.

"God, all you think about is eating, don't you? If it's possible, you'd probably marry food. It's in the top shelf of my cupboard," I replied, amused.

"Now where was I? Then they all became close friends, my parents and yours, I mean."

"After graduation, they never met each other again, my parents got married first. It was my mother, that's why I'm older than you, next, it was your parents."

"Cordelia wanted my parents to join Voldemort's army, but my parents refused."

"Voldemort killed my father in anger; my mother, in agony, tried to kill my aunt, and she almost succeeded, but she too got killed by Voldemort."

"Cordelia was on the verge of dying. Then he took a part of her soul or her soul completely and put it inside of me when I was a baby. So he could resurrect her one day..."

"Right now, I have 2 souls in my body. It's cool, you know?" I told them, smiling. "It's not cool, it's horrible," Hermione replied, scowling.

"Yeah... you think so? Listen to the next part, it's worse. So we the Roscentes go through a period called The Awakening. It's something all of the family members go through," I said.

"What is it like? Is it like hibernation?" Ron asked. "I've never read about this in the books before. why?" Hermione asked.

"That's because it's confidential. Only family members and a few close friends know about it. I'm telling you guys because I trust you."

"Promise you won't tell anyone, no matter what. Because that period is when we are the most vulnerable," I asked them firmly. "Promise!" they said altogether, and I smiled.

"Hold on, what's the whole process, and how does it connect to your aunt?" Hermione inquired .

"Excellent question, Hermione, truly splendid. The process is basically a magical rollercoaster, a bit like puberty," I explained.

"It's like the magical equivalent of a year-long, painful puberty, almost akin to what girls go through with menstruation, except Cordelia will try to hijack my body during this time," I elaborated, bracing myself for the impending doom.

"Ahh! I've heard about this. It's that time of the month, right? When you bleed for a week? My mom and sister turn into mood-swinging monsters during that period!" Ron groaned in sympathy.

"Wait, what is menstruation?" Harry asked bewildered. "It's the monthly bleeding thing for girls," Hermione replied.

"Girls bleed every month? How are you all still alive?!" Harry exclaimed, clearly horrified.

"I'll give you a crash course on that another day. Aria, you're 15 already, haven't you got your period?" Hermione questioned.

"Sadly, I've already got it and that's the issue. I still haven't gotten Awakening. After my magical awakening, only one soul can stick around in my body."

"There's a power struggle, and Cordelia and I are about to have the ultimate showdown for control," I explained, wearing a sulk like a cloak.

"What are the odds of you winning?" Hermione inquired.

"Zero to none, actually," I admitted.

"What?! You're kidding, right? Tell me you're joking!" Hermione shouted, and the three of us winced at the volume.

"Well, she was the lover of the greatest villain history has ever known," I dropped the bombshell, leaving them to ponder the gravity of the situation.

"Not gonna lie, Cordelia's got muscles on her muscles. You've read all about her, right? Probably better than anyone," I retorted in acknowledgment.

"Well, can't argue with that. You're like a Chihuahua taking on a lion," Hermione admitted with a shrug. We all looked at each other, and suddenly, laughter erupted.

"Hey, why not have a slumber party tonight? My bed can fit the whole squad," I suggested cheerfully.

"Great idea! I'm too lazy to trek back to my room anyway," Ron exclaimed, already making himself comfortable.

"Same here!" Hermione chimed in.

We all settled in, sharing a laugh before I pulled the blanket over us. As we got cozy, Harry, still in the dark about menstruation, piped up from the side.

"Guys, I still don't know what menstruation is," He confessed, lying next to Hermione.

Hermione took it upon herself to deliver a detailed explanation, and soon enough, we drifted into a shared sleep.

Hermione and I occupied the middle, with Ron and Harry taking up positions on either side - a makeshift fortress on my bed.

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