Part 4

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I sighed as I felt myself get pinned down by Carol (yes I added her to this story lol) once again.

"I think I win... again" carol chuckled

"Yeah okay we get it, I suck" I groaned and rolled my eyes causing everyone to laugh at me. Carol bent down and offered me a hand.

"Thanks" I mumbled

"Wanda do you want to go against the big guy?" Tony asked nudging Bruce. My eyes widened with horror as tony began snorting "don't worry I'm kidding"

"Ha ha ha" I respond sarcastically

"Okay everyone, group trainings over your free to do whatever. Just try not to waste too much of my money" tony sighed as everyone began picking up there stuff and leaving the training room. I grabbed my water bottle and decided to head upstairs for a shower.

When I reached my room I tossed the bottle on my bed and headed for the shower. As I entered the bathroom I glanced at the drawer that contained my blade, this was a mistake as it started up the voice in my head again 'Wanda, how can you be so shit at everything you do. You will never be good enough to be an avenger' the voice taunted.

"I know" I mutter out loud and once again reach for the drawer.

Once I had gotten the voice to quiet down I get in the shower, allowing the burning water to run over my body and sting my fresh cuts. Once I'm clean I turn of the shower and chuck my clothes on before heading out to the living room where I found Nat and Clint talking about something. They hadn't seemed to notice me so I listened in to there conversation.

"Nat, this is serious" Clint said

"I know but are you sure, maybe they were from sokovia with Ultron" Nat placed her head in her hand

"Trust me, I'm pretty convinced it is what I thought it was"

"I know it's been a tough week for her, losing her brother and all, but she's a bright girl and surely knows better than to harm herself" Natasha replied sadly.

I tried to hold back a gasp realising what they were talking about. At one point during training my sleeve came up and Clint gave me a funny look. He didn't say anything though so I assumed he didn't see anything. I silently leave the room and head back to mine where I lock the door and slide down it hugging my knees to my chest. They're going to hate me.

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