Part 17

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I wake up feeling extremely disoriented. I groan and look over at the digital clock on the nightstand. 3:00 am it read. I think about going back to sleep but it just seems pointless. I have lost everything and everyone I had ever known and on top of it I'm a monster. I slip out of bed and back over to the bathroom however instead of reaching for my usual blade I find myself opening the medicine cabinet that was above the sink. I pull out a plastic bottle filled with Advil. This was it. This bottle was all it would take. I will finally be free.

What's the use to keep giving life another chance, if in the end it never seems enough to get through all of my broken dreams. The family that I once knew is gone. Every little bit of me wants to see the light. every night without Pietro another little bit of me dies I inside. I need to get beyond the light, I need to find my family. There's nothing more that I can do.

I slide down the wall, the hot tears streaming down my face. I unscrew the lid slowly. Goodbye cruel world. I lift the bottle up to my lips and begin to slowly down them. Suddenly my head begins to spin. The last thing I hear is the bathroom door bust open and Natasha's muffled yells. And my world goes black.



I slowly feel my surroundings come back to me. What? No? Did it not work?! I blink open my eyes slowly and look up to see the familiar med bay ceiling. NO! NO! NO! I don't even try to hold back the fat, hot tears that roll down my cheeks. I look down at my arm to see some kind of tube with fluid going into my arm. I jump up and rip the tube out of my arm, not caring that I was now bleeding all over the place.

"Wanda honey, I need you to calm down" Nats familiar soothing voice fills the air.

"NO! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!! IM MEANT TO BE DEAD!!!" I scream suddenly jumping up and sprinting out of the room. I hear Natasha's heals clicking as she runs after me. I race down the haul and suddenly bump into someone falling backwards onto my bum. I scoot back into the wall and quickly use my powers to put a Glowing red field around me.

"Wanda sweetheart..." Nat begins to talk. Her voice cracked and it was only at this point that I realise she was crying. This is the first time I've ever seen Natasha Romanoff cry.

"Wanda, we just want to help you. Can you please take down the force field?" I look up and see the person I bumped into, Tony crouched down in front of me with pepper standing behind him with a concerned look on her face.

"I just wanna see Pietro..." I sob into my hands "and my mama and my papa"

"I know you do sweetheart" Natasha attempts to sooth me. Tears still rolling down her own face.

"I should be dead! I'm a monster!" I continued sobbing.

"Wanda your not a monster" Nat says.

"Wanda darling, please let Down the force field so we can help you" pepper finally speaks.

"You can't help me, NO ONE CAN HELP ME DO YOU NOT GET THAT?!" I yell still sobbing. "ONLY PIETRO CAN HELP ME AND HES DEAD"

"Wanda we can help you, we promise" Nat once again attempts to calm me down.

"NO YOU CANT!!!" I scream back at her. I begin to use my powers and rap them tightly around my neck. I am going to see my family and none of them can stop me.

"Wanda, please don't do this" I hear Natasha now sobbing and tony and peppers panicked yells. I continue to squeeze my powers tighter around my neck.

"NO!" Pepper yells

"Wanda don't do this please, I can't live without you honey, please I love you!" Natasha falls to her knees sobbing. I gasp at that last part and drop all my powers at once collapsing to the floors. Tony runs towards me and quickly places two power blocking bands around my wrists. Nurses and banner coming running out of the Med bay and transfer me onto a bed. Nat runs over to me and grabs my hand.

"Do you mean it?" I look up at her, my voice raspy and dry from all my screaming.

"Of course I do Wanda. I love you. Your the daughter I never got to have" she grips my hand tightly and rubs her thumb up and down "we will get through this okay baby"

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