Part 7

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when we got back to the complex Natasha followed me to my room.

"You need something?" I questioned noticing her behind me.

"I need to take the locks of your bedroom and bathroom door" Nat replied

"What?! No you can't do that!" I yelled defensively

"Wanda, I have too if something were to happen and no one could get to you I would never forgive myself" Natasha explained. I huffed and rolled my eyes before flopping down onto my bed. Once Natasha had removed the locks she walked over to my desk and began rummaging through my drawers.

"What are you doing?" I asked watching her curiously

"I need to take any hazards. So that means pencil sharpeners,scissors and your razors from your bathroom" Natasha said grabbing the thing out of my drawer and moving over to my bathroom. I just sighed.

"I'll be downstairs, give me a shout if you need anything. Also please leave the door open just for now" Nat said before smiling softly at me and exiting my bedroom. I rolled onto my stomach and shoved my head into my pillow. You useless piece of shit. Nat probably thinks you such a freak! The voice in my head piped in. Ugh why can't it just leave me alone! I quickly get out of bed and walk over to my bathroom once again. I close the door and shove a chair in front of it so no one can get in I go to my binding spot that I knew Nat hadn't cleared out and pulled out the small metal object. I let out a sigh of relief as the red liquid poured out of my arm. I slid the metal across my arm again and again until the voices were satisfied. I then rinse my arm under cold water and head to the living room.

"Hey wanny wan a wan" Clint said when he saw me

"Wanny wan a wan?" I questioned 

"Please ignore Clint he's drunk out of his mind after drinking some of those weird alien alcohol" tony laughed coming up behind me

"I tried to warn him!" thors deep voice boomed and he shrugged

"LOOK GUYS IM BRUCE!!!!!" Clint screamed making everyone jump. He then began running around the living room throwing pillows and screaming.

"Oh god" bruce muttered

"I'll sort him out" Sam walked in and lead Clint away.

"Well that was weird" tony shrugged while picking up the pillows that had been tossed everywhere

"Yeah" everyone agreed chuckling

"Do you guys know where Natasha is?" I asked looking around noticing the redhead wasn't here

"I think she's in the kitchen!" Thor boomed startling me a bit, I forgot pretty much everything he says is yelled

"Cool thanks" I smiled and walked into the kitchen where I saw Natasha holding a frying pan. She smiled when she saw me

"Hey любовь (love)"

"Hi Nat, what ya doing?" I asked sitting at one of the bar stools

"It's my night go make dinner for the team, we always take turns" she explained "if you wanna do me a favour you can set the table" she added

"Sure" I nodded standing up to help

"So are you doing okay?" Nat asked

"Yup" I nodded

"You sure?"


"Okay just come to me if you need me, also I want you to leave your bedroom door open tonight. Just until I can trust you a bit more" Nat told me causing me to groan "I know you don't like it but I just want to help"

"I know" I rolled my eyes and finished setting the table

"Alright dinners ready, F.R.I.D.A.Y can you tell the boys to get there food" Nat said

"Yes miss romanoff the Robot responded

Authors note
Sorry this part is a bit boring I'm struggling with ideas so if you wanna comment some inspiration that would be much appreciated haha. Thanks for reading. Love Lara xx

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