Part 15

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The day at the carnival had gone smoothly and it was  now our last evening at the Barton's home. Over the week we spent so much time bonding and I had become really good friends with the other teenagers. I was sad to leave Lila and cooper but was glad I now had some friends for when I started school.

We were currently sat talking about how we will stay in contact and when we will next see each other when Nat and Clint came in. "Guys we have a surprise for you" clint said as he entered the room

"A surprise?"ned questioned

"Yeah What kind of surprise dad?" Cooper asked

"I hope it's not broccoli again" Lila rolled her eyes and the siblings chuckled.

"Nope it's not broccoli, you'll have to come outside to see what it is" Natasha smiled as we all stood up curiously and began walking outside. When we got there I saw that they had set up a campfire in the garden and Laura was preparing sticks and marshmallows.

"Oh my gosh! This is so aesthetic!" Ned yelled

"Dad your the best!!!" Lila ran up to hug Clint

"Guess what else?" Clint asked looking at us all

"What?" Lila asked excitedly. I found it annoying at first but I had brown to love her bubbly personality and realised I was going to miss her random bursts of excitement.

"We are doing a big sleepover in the barn!" Natasha yelled

"Yay!!!" Cooper and Lila jumped up and down. The rest of us smiled.

"Come get your marshmallows guys before the fire burns out" Laura beckoned us over and we all raced over to the campfire picking up our marshmallows and finding somewhere to sit. I sat next to Natasha.

"Having fun love?" She asked. I leaned into her and nodded. She stroked my hair with her free hand as we both held our marshmallows over the fire .

"I'm gonna miss it here" MJ sighed

"Me too" Peter agreed

"Well we're gonna miss having you all" Laura looked up at us from where she was sat with Clint.

"Thank you so much for having us" I thanked the couple

"It was no problem honey, having you all here spiced things up a bit, in a good way" Laura smiled

"Yeah it was so much less lame than it would have been if you guys weren't here" Lila grinned and

The campfire lit a glow in all of us that night. Between the songs and jokes, between the smiles and stories, our bonds became a kind of palpable ever-glow.

We ended up going to the barn (apart from Laura who went back to the house with Nathaniel) and settling down. We chatted for hours on end just embracing each other's presences until everyone fell asleep.


"Wanda, psssst, Wanda" I felt a pointy finger poke my face, I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to see Lila looking down at me with wide eyes and Ned, Peter, MJ and cooper standing around her.

"What?" I questioned while rubbing my eyes sleepily

"Come on, we're going down to the river" Lila said

"Yeah come on we want to show you guys the swimming hole before you go" cooper added

"Okay, but I don't have a swimsuit" I reply as I crawled out of my sleeping bag.

"That's okay, we're all going in out clothes anyway" MJ told me

"Okay" I smile and follow them out of the barn. Lila and cooper lead us running through a long grassy field and under a wire fence when we come to the river.

"Come on the swimming holes just down here!" Lila squeals with excitement as she ran down the riverbank with the rest of us following suit.

"We're here!" Cooper announced when we reached an open spot in the river

"Come on guys let's jump in together!" Lila said  as she pulled of the top she was wearing and kicked of her shoes leaving her in just a sports bra and her shorts.

The rest of us copied Lila and pulled of our shirts and shoes before linking hands with one another at the edge of the bank.

"READY?" Lila yelled

"YES!" We yelled back

"3,2,1 JUMP!"

We all leapt forwards together landing with a splash in the water. As we came above the water we all squealed with laughter.

I'm really going to miss this place.

Authors note
Hey everyone, hope your having a great day. Sorry I haven't been uploading frequently I've been really struggling with my mental health recently and that's causing it to be difficult to post. I had to get stitches for my sh the other day for the first time which was honestly terrifying so I've not really been up to posting till now. Hope you understand if my posts are not regular at the moment. Thanks for reading.
Love Lara xx

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