The start of some oneshorts I forgot about until today.

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Error had suddenly become a grave robber. He was still the destroyer of worlds but now he had stolen the dust of his mortal enemy's dead children. He looked at the two piles of dust that used to be his family and sighed oh so heavily. He knew what a pain it would be to revive them. He opened their codes and went into the advanced coding to search for their mortality status. It took him two full days to find it. It told him that they were dead but he added a question mark making them immortal like him and ink. He confirmed the change and closed the box smiling as he saw the two piles of dust turn into the children of Ink and dream. Error made clothing for them and picked up the two kids smiling happily as they cried. He had found a few defects with their souls and handicaps that they would have and simply fixed them. They were supposed to replace him and ink once they turned 15 years old. A portal opened behind him. He turned around and saw a pissed set of parents and an enraged council.

"ERROR I ALREADY KNEW YOU WERE WILLING TO GO LOW BUT TO GO AS FAR AS TO DIG OP THE GRAVES OF MY DEAD CHILDREN?" Ink was screaming but the cries of children broke him out of it as he saw the twins laying in Error's arms.

"You say I went low but I resurrected your kids show me some fucking respect," Error said as he walked up to the parents who had started to cry. Error handed them their twins and each parent took one.

"How?" Dream asked.

"I'm the destroyer of worlds but that is the title you two gave me. my job is to make sure the coding that makes the multiverse possible isn't damaged. Reviving them took two days but that is because I found countless issues from them as they are technically the product of double gendered masturbation," Error said. They stared at him.

"Why did you revive them?" Ink asked.

"Ink you creating is threatening the stability of codes and quiet frankly you being busy taking care of two kids makes my job not only easier but It also means I won't have to kill as much. I don't like killing but If I don't the multiverse will end up like your kids had the only difference is that there will be no second chance," Error said. Ink stared shocked.

"How can we know that what you are telling us is true?" sci asked.

"when they turn five will one of the kids be able to open codes. The twins are supposed to replace ink and I, when they turn 15 we will both lose our abilities and our immortality. Ink You can't remember but we started out as twins but both of us got our memories erased and I accidentally got mine back after messing with my codes," Error said. dream gasped.

"He is not lying," He said in disbelief. Error smiled softly


Error felt uneasy. He felt as if someone was constantly watching him waiting to attack. Error had voiced his concern to Blue who told him he was paranoid. He told Nightmare and his gang about it. Everyone but Nightmare said the same as Blue had. Nightmare told Error that he was being followed and Nightmare had caught many people spying on him. Error felt horrified and his paranoia intensified. He didn't feel safe anywhere but at Nightmare's mansion so he stayed there. Nightmare was honest and had proven many times that he would have Error's back. The gang was happy with Error joining them. Their smiles however grew stiff when Nightmare told them about the stalking problem. Error noticed but decided that it wasn't his problem yet. He trusted them and believed they wouldn't harm him. They would give him small gifts out of literally nowhere. Chocolate, Clothing, books, and random things they were unsure if he would like. Error took everything but if he didn't like it then he would throw it in a random AU. One day Error had to flee from a fight and when he returned he noticed something that horrified him. The place where the battle had been it looked like someone had raided the Area all the pills on the snow where he had stained it a bloody red was gone minus a few red patches. his bone attacks were removed and pieces of clothing that had been ripped off from him were no longer there. There were clear signs of Fighting not from his battle but from what appeared to be an army that suddenly started to fight. He called nightmare as quickly as he could and Nightmare was there. He looked at the scene but wasn't surprised.

Error on short twoWhere stories live. Discover now