Don't touch my child.

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Error had fat tears rolling down his cheeks. He had fallen to his knees as he looked at the dust of his baby laying in a pile in front of ink and the rest of the council.

"When a person has committed as many crimes as you have then the punishment must too be paid by the next generation," Ink stated coldly. Error never wanted to kill he never wanted to destroy. They had raped him just so they could kill the child?

"You have been keeping them alive and safe for aeons yet this is how they treat you?" A voice spoke. Error heard it loud and clear in his head not knowing if it was something outside or inside his head. The council stared horrified at the being behind him. It was Chaos. He stood behind error with his signature grin and held fates strings so she couldn't interfere.

"Being forced to kill to murder to destroy so the multiverse won't collaps," Chaos said smiling. Error felt his anger rise as the strings fate had on him were cut by Chaos who had stolen Destiny's scissors. Chaos other hand rested over Error's head slowly corrupting his head. The council felt their sins crawl on their back.

"And as thank you did they rape you until you got pregnant and then killed your child infront of you not to mention the eon's of tortur you've already endured," Chaos said as he looked at the horrified faces of the council. Some were crying truly not knowing about this. Chaos loved this and slowly leaned so he was right beside error's head.

"The worst part? You have been screaming to them for aeons that you never wanted to destroy that you were forced," Chaos said. The realisation dawned on them and for some it was simply too much. Blue felt the most guilt and decided that he didn't want to see the aftermath. His dust wasn't noticed by anyone else in the council.

"Don't you want revenge for you and your child?" Error nodded weakly as tears still streamed down but now it was tears of anger. Two double edged sicklers appeared in front of error.

"If you kill those who've hurt you and your child then I will give you back your daughter," Chaos said. Error looked up. His eyes a burning red as he took the weapons in front of him.

"Any blood you spill from now one will be in my name," Chaos finished before Error let out a wave of his magic that sealed the AU preventing the council from leaving. He slowly got up glitches making it hard to see him.

"How can I know that you can give me my child?" Error asked. Chaos laughed as he flicked his wrist. The soul of the dead child appeared and placed itself in its dust that slowly reassembled. The child cried as loudly as it could. Error knew how much that process hurt. Chaos walked in front of him and showed as his child was now held by the deity.

"Murder them and you get your daugther back," Chaos said and slowly disappeared. Error looked up at them. Up at the council that kne all hell was about to break loose. He ran towards them at a speed they had never before seen. A speed they couldn't react to. Ink's neck was trapped between the two blades and error cut it by pushing the other back against it. He dusted instandly. Error felt satisfied. It was an odd feeling of satisfaction unlike any other. He felt a sense of accomplishment and he had to admit. It felt good. It felt so fucking good to fianlly take revenge. He jumped to the next and killed the same satisfaction. How ironic. For eons ha had been forced to kill hating every minute of it and being punished for every minute of it yet here he was enjoying murdering them. Probably because of the years upon years of abuse he had had to suffer. Abuse they inflicted on him. Oh how he loved this feeling of revenge. Eventually everyone but one were dead. Classic were the only one spared. He was the only one who never hurt error in the council. He was only ever brought as a witness and now he saw the whole truth. Everyone in the council and countless AU's had been killed. Chaos smiled satisfied as he walked to error and gave him his child only to disappear afterwards. Error gently caressed the cheek of his child that had now calmed down benign in the arms of its mother. The mother sat down gently cradling the small being as Classic approached. Error glared at the original who only held up his hands as he sat down 1,5 meters from the mother.

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