The council's omega

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The sound of chiselling was heard as the council tore down a wall in their old headquarters. The wall was halfway gone and they needed it completely gone so they could get to the person inside. A person half of them hoped was dead and the other half hoped was alive. Looking in they saw that the person was in fact alive but barely. It encouraged them to work faster chiselling with their magic that had taken the form of bones. They finally got in and picked up the smaller. The small body that belonged to those who were once a victim of their abuse hadn't changed at all. Cold, beaten, wounded and barely alive exactly like he was left. The vines were cut from his back before they moved him to an AU made especially for him. Made to be his permanent home and his place of healing. The AU had the skies of outertale, a forest that could only belong in a fairytale and a house belonging to people's dreams. Yet in the very centre of this beautiful AU was a greenhouse belonging to royalty. The greenhouse was big and its frame was made of gold. The class was clear crystal. It was the greenhouse they entered and placed the small skeleton against a plant grid. The vines quickly grew from the smaller again holding him in place and keeping him off the ground suspended in the air. The vines grew along the entire grid stretching fast and blooming once again. It was greedily swallowing up the magic of its surroundings and the skeletons around it could easily feel how they were being slowly drained. They all left the greenhouse where two skeletons stood in front of them. Medic and Sci had been the people who made the plan they were currently following.

"Remember. We have no idea if this is gonna work but no one may speak in there no one may touch error nor should he ever be left completely alone. We will work in 6 groups of 6 each getting 4 hours a day working with him. Keep the flowers healthy and give them magic. If it works then it works if it doesn't then we try doing the complete opposite," Sci said. They nodded. The first group walked back in and started their shifts while the vast majority left. Only G stayed behind with medic and sci. G didn't believe in their plan knowing that omegas needed attention and affection yet they were depriving this omega of just that.

"Something wrong?" Medic asked, faking worry. G sighed glaring at both of them.

"He got this illness because we insulated him and only acknowledged his existence when hurting him. We are basically doing the same now but without hurting him," G said. They looked at him sympathetically but he had a point and they knew it.

"We know but we have to give him plenty of magic to make sure his wounds properly heal," Medic said. G couldn't believe it nor did he buy it. They had thrown out all of the basic knowledge of omegas just to make their experiment sickening and keep error in this state of barely existing. There gotta be a plot behind it. Those two were supposed to be the brightest fucking minds of the multiverse and this was an idea even fell was too smart to come up with. G looked at them almost disappointed but turned away. When his first shift came he ignored one of the rules. He worked the closest to error taking care of the flowers and vines there and while everyone stayed quiet, he let out a silent purr. He knew Error could hear him and he slowly conditioned the smaller to recognise the sound. Time passed and his condition wasn't getting better. Though his physical body was. His body was completely healed and his scars were slowly disappearing. He grew more beautiful by the day making it harder and harder to not want to touch and speak with him. After all, he was alive and he was not just a statue everyone needed to keep alive. Two large wings had started growing from his back making him look like an angel considering that the feathers were a pearly white that faded to a midnight black near the wings. One day one person from G's group walked up to error and slowly caressed his cheek. 4 of the other members started to freak out but G just let out a low purr. Error let one out to thought it was much much weaker than theirs.

"He is an omega and needs our direct contact to heal," G told them, walking up to error and caressing his face. The two alphas were breaking all the rules they had but then again omegas were depending on affection. The other 4 hesitated before joining in on the contract, something they have wanted to do for a year. This became the norm for them. They would speak with him, touch him, and show him affection, while the other groups kept on following the rules that G's group broke. They spoke to error, caressed him, groomed him and neglected his vines though it wasn't noticeable. 3 years passed and one of the other groups heard error let out a small purr. They immediately got Medic who got an alpha to let out a purr. It caused for error to stop and immediately show signs of distress. All the groups were called in since someone had to have shown error proper affection for him to heal.

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