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Nightmare and dream looked at one another. One had the wings of an angel and a halo while the other had the horns of a devil and a tail like one.

"WHY THE HELL AM I THE ANGEL?" Nightmare yelled. Dream looked just as confused. Both desummoned their new features but none were too happy. They looked up at the deity that had given them the features that they weren't too happy with

"There is one innocent person left in this multiverse. If he loses his innocence forcefully then the multiverse would collapse on itself and I will happily tear the multiverse down myself," The deity said. Both guardians went to their respective groups and told them the news. Nightmare's gang went looking instantly. The council however had to call a meeting first before they could start searching. At the meeting, dream told the news and everyone looked at blue the second it was mentioned.

"Well this is easy," stretch said. Blue however leaned back and looked at all of them disappointed.

"No I'm not innocent," Blue said and took off his bandana showing a beautiful tattoo. Mafia recognized it.

"THAT'S A FUCKING GANG TATOO," He yelled. Everyone was equally shocked and stretch was the most.

"When?" He asked.

"When I got sick of you and your stupid rules. Papyrus, do I have to remind you that I'm the oldest of us?" Blue asked. It shut everyone up. Blue pulled out a cigarette and lit it, ignoring the comments.

"I know who the innocent person is but you won't believe me," Blue said. He leaned back only to be overrun with questions.

"Error" Was all he said and he was right they didn't believe him.

"Blue, to be innocent, you have to never have indulged in any of the 7 deadly sins. Error have murdered too many," Dream said.

"Not by choice. I've told you too many times that Error is forced but none of you ever believed me. Dream I'm guessing that you now can sense innocence so how about we check?" Blue ingested and inhaled. The ashes fell to the ground in front of him and looked like a small skull.

"Let's do this. Ink creates a portal and you and blue will find out if Error is in fact innocent," Dream stated. Everyone agreed. Ink made a portal to the anti void and the three walked through. They saw error sitting peacefully for about three seconds before he got up and got ready to fight. He waited for their next move and dream sensed the room. Blue was right. Error was innocent.

"Error, say anything you want. We will give it to you if you stop destroying," Dream said. Error looked at dream suspiciously.

"InK N0 Mo5e Cr34tion," Error said. Ink looked at Dream.

"Why that?" Dream asked. Error looked at them.

"I t31L y0u 4nD I d1e," Error said simply. He still had his guards high.

"But I can," Blue said and took out another cigarette. He proceeded to explain the balance. The three others looked at him equally surprised.

"H0w d1D yoU fin6 0ut?" Error asked. Blue sighed and rubbed his tattoo.

"This isn't a gang tattoo but a proof of membership. I'm a part of the neutral movement that tries to find answers. One of the answers we tried to find was the reason behind your destruction and well we found out about the limited multiverse space," Blue said smugly as he inhaled once more. It was his own homemade blend. The emotional trip this gave him was surprisingly calm. The threo left after that with the promise to come back and make things right. Error sat down after feeling overwhelmed. nightmare soon came to nightmare and noticed Error's stress. The guardian and Angel sensed the smaller's innocence. He gently placed a hand on Error causing the destroyer to look up at him surprised. They had met before but it wasn't for long periods of time.

Error on short twoWhere stories live. Discover now