Ink's creaturs: Taḻuval

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"Everyone I have a plan to once and for all stop error. I'm going to make an AU that contains a creature that will keep him trapped or stop his destruction on way or another," Ink said and sent out 20 papers with different creatures drawn on them. The back of the paper had a surprisingly detailed description.

"I'm going to at least try and make an AU like this but I don't know what creature is the best. We are going to hold a vote and see what creature will be made," Ink said.

"Sorry to ask but how do we know error won't just up and kill the creature and then leave?" Sci asked. Ink smiled.

"Error has never touched a single original AU nor hurt the inhabitants without them attacking first. Another thing is that I've found out that Error doesn't actually want to destroy. I hope that the creatures can keep him trapped and away from his 'job' until I find the reason why he destroys," Ink said, making everyone go quiet. Why did ink not start out with that revelation? Ink sighed.

"I know it's a lot to take in but If this stops him then we can all feel safe. If he gets hurt by the creatures if he dies at their hands then so be it. We need him to stop and I'm at the point where I'm willing to pay any price to get him to stop," Ink said. A lot of the council members didn't even bother with voting not thinking that Ink's plan was the right court of action but enough did vote for one creature to be chosen. Ink got to work and really put effort into the AU. Eventually, it was done. The AU was a huge desert with plants capable of living in harsh conditions that could constantly change. The creature itself was currently a 3-meter-tall skeleton with bones closer resembling the bones of any animal that wasn't related to humans. Ink looked at the creature that glared at him with a glare. The creature quickly changed, growing fur to withstand the cold night on the AU. Ink looked at it and placed Error's scarf in front of it before leaving. He had left and the Creature, who Ink had named Taḻuval, took the scarf and smelled it. It instantly fell in love with the scent feeling the strength it held and the magic it left. It wanted the source. It wanted to find the source. It grew 4 extra limbs and its soul developed so it could make Portals but that development would take up to a year to develop fully. Thankfully it didn't have to wait long for the scent to have a source. Error had entered and looked around. He was used to the cold from the Antivoid but damn this place was colder than horrortales snowdin. The destroyer quickly felt it thought. He felt a pair of eyes follow his every move staring at him almost adoring him.

"Just show yourself," He said though what he saw was not what he had expected. The tall skeleton yeti thing with 6 arms and two feet stared at him. It looked very loving at him much to error's surprise. It noticed error shivering and was concerned.

"You cold?" He asked softly. Error sighed but looked rather confused.

"You aren't afraid of me?" Taḻuval looked confused up at him.

"No why would I be? Yes, you are strong and have a lot of magic but otherwise, there is nothing that should scare me. You haven't attacked me or shown any threatening behaviour," Taḻuval said. Error was surprised. The taller walked towards Error who got ready to defend themselves much to Taḻuvals concern. Why was error getting ready to fight? Had he shown any kind of threatening behaviour towards his chosen mate? Taḻuval Gently picked the smaller one up and pressed him against his fur warming and holding him close. Taḻuval felt the smaller struggle at first but eventually relax into his hold. The smell that the smaller had was addicting and so was the feeling of his small yet sturdy body against his fur. Error himself lay limply not because he trusted the tall creature but because he was freezing to the point where his joints were starting to lock up. The creature was warm and cosy so it's not like Error really wanted to figth it. He was startled when the taller one started walking with him in his hold. Error soon found himself in a kind of cave that had been remodelled to be a home. The home wasn't warm but it was warmer than the outside. Error saw his scarf and struggled to move. It was his and he wanted it back not bothering with figuring out why the creature had it in the first place. He saw the creature's confused and surprised expression aimed at him. Thankfully Error's jaw wasn't frozen in place

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