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He stood there at the balcony entrance. He was never surprised by anyone and yet here he was spellbound and in awe. The way she moved her hips should have been a crime. He watched her ass shake in her dress and wanted to grab fists full. He noticed the way other men watched her and groaned in anger. "What is it boss?" His right hand asked looking around. "Go get her." He said not taking his eyes off of her.

He heard chuckles from beside him and looked at his younger brother and business partner, Ramon. "This isn't Mexico, hermano. The women of Houston, Texas don't take too kindly to being bossed around, especially Black women. You want her, go get her yourself, but politely." He looked at Ramon with an irritated expression, but knew he was right. If this were Mexico, she'd be on her knees ready to suck him off already.

He was king in Mexico, South America and various other countries. However, he was expanding and coming into North American territory. And like his work it appeared he had to be just as strategic with the women.

He was known in the United States thanks to his many clubs and dealings, especially in the south. However, he couldn't demand things of the women like he could in other countries it seemed.

Movement brought his eyes back to her and what he saw enraged him. Two guys harassing her to the point that he could tell she was getting passed the point of uncomfortable.

He made his way there in no time as his long legs brought him closer and closer to her. "Come on, shake that ass for us one time." He could hear one of them saying. "Get away from me jackasses!" The sound was a melody to him and he couldn't help but smile even if it were for a millisecond.

"Leave." He said loud enough for the three to hear. He noticed that her eyes seemed to widen when she noticed it was him and he smirked at her. "Who the fuck are you?" The other jackass slurred.

"I'm someone with very little patience, so I'm giving you this final warning and you better take it. Leave." The drunk decided to cut his losses and made his way off the dancefloor, but the other did what he knew he'd do.

He quickly caught the fist of the jackass who was trying to throw a punch and swiftly punched him in the nose. He knew she had heard the crunch even over the music because she visibly cringed. "Get out!" He barked over the man that was now lying fetal position on the floor.

He held out his bruised hand for her and watched as she eyed him wearily. She seemed to be looking for someone before turning back to him and taking his hand. He led her back up the stairs but instead of staying in the VIP section they moved into a hidden office with a two-way mirror.

They both stood at the window overlooking everything and he realized that her hand was still in his as he absentmindedly stroked it. They stood their silently and he wondered what she was thinking until it looked like she spotted someone in the crowd.

She let out a quiet sigh before removing her hand. The movement saddened him and he hated that fact immediately. "Thank you for rescuing me, but I think I'll be going now." He looked her over and noticed that she was on edge.

"Are you sure? Are you okay?" The way she looked at him as he spoke did something to him. Her big brown eyes were so expressive and left him wanting. "I'm fine," she said as she rubbed her left arm and winced. He noticed for the first time the slight bruise on her arm.

"Los mataré (I'll kill them)," he growled pulling her close to him. His brown eyes seemed to scan her over for any more injuries and he wondered why she let him. As she watched him, he took notice of the details of her face. She truly was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen with lips that he'd kill to taste.

"What can I do to make this up to you?" She looked at him for a moment before laughing and the sound made his heart swell. "It's not your fault. If anything, I'm going to put a complaint in with the owner. The bouncers should do a better job of screening who comes in and the bartenders should do a better job at cutting people off when they've clearly had enough." He smirked at her and nodded. "Your complaint has been noted." Her eyes widened causing him to snicker.

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