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Guillermo sat in bed with his laptop, but he couldn't concentrate. Diana's words floated around him. He really fucked up and he knew it. If only he had listened to Ramon. It was Ramon's idea to take her on the boat ride. Ramon said she needed to see a part of him not the multi-millionaire asshole that used women as playthings and it actually worked.

They had a great time, but she was still holding back. He needed to plan something exceptional but lowkey for their dinner date. He was realizing more and more that though Diana was projected to be a billionaire by age 35, she moved like a middle-class school teacher.

She was simple and in the best way and it made him want her more. His mother would love her. The fact that she spoke Spanish was just a plus. He closed his laptop and checked his messages. He saw a text from his cousin and groaned. Guillermo's father was very close to his younger brother and naturally the two felt he and his cousin should be close.

His cousin wasn't bad. He was resourceful, efficient and ruthless. He was everything the Ortiz men were bred to be. The issue is that he was greedy. He always wanted more. More responsibilities. More money. More women.

It was going to get him killed and Guillermo knew it, but after preaching for so many years he just didn't give a fuck anymore. Guillermo knew he'd make sure his inevitable funeral was nice and he looked dressed to kill.

His cousin was handling a project Guillermo had assigned to keep him busy. As he read over his report it seemed things were moving accordingly. He closed out his tabs and sent a quick message to Diana.

It was well past midnight and he wasn't sure if she was asleep or not. He just wanted her to know that today was a great day.

Guillermo: Hermosa, today was a really great day and I hope you enjoyed it. I'll let you know when dinner will be. I'm looking forward to hearing your decision.

He didn't think she'd respond to him so late, but as he saw the three dots, he grew hopeful.

Diana: I surprisingly had a great time today. I like seeing the real you. Goodnight, Guillermo.

He smiled to himself before setting his phone down. He didn't know what it was about Diana Blackwood that had him acting so uncharacteristic. That was a lie. He knew exactly what it was about her.

She was first and foremost one of the most confident women he'd ever had the pleasure of meeting. He knew she wasn't perfect and had chinks in her armor, which was human and normal, but for the most part she was self-assured in a way that would make her the best queen.

Diana was also a proud woman, but in the best way. She took pride in her work and the ethic behind it was fascinating. She loved her family and friends fiercely and Guillermo couldn't help but wonder what it felt like to be on the receiving end of that love. Diana was also beautiful.

Every inch of her was perfection to Guillermo and as he thought of her rich, dark skin and big brown eyes he palmed himself. Her legs went on for days with thick thighs and a hearty backside to match. Her breasts made him want to turn over his millions, but it was her smile that did it for him every time.

Date night was a disaster, but it was the look of disappointment that had him vowing to never take her smile for granted. He wanted to do any and everything to ensure that it always remained on her beautiful face. He sighed out loud now wide awake with a raging hard on. He headed into the shower to take care of business as thoughts of Diana plagued his mind.

Diana lay on her back looking at her ceiling. The day had been a good one and she was genuinely surprised. She didn't know how Guillermo could be so intelligent and not think that simplicity was the best policy – at least in the beginning. Diana liked to be spoiled, but it wasn't necessarily a requirement.

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